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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Old story I’m afraid. I’ve never had an XC90 leak but XC60s must use the same windscreen adhesive as Ford (being the Ford years it makes sense), stand beside the A-post & a gentle push in the top corner from below will show most screens move. The remedy is to either remove & reglue the screen (risking a broken screen) or simply slice out the top gasket & use windscreen glue along the top gap & down the sides up against the decorative trim. The big hassle is removing the interior - you need to remove all seats, the three carpet pieces, suck out the water but you’ll never dry out the foam so just rip it off the carpet back & replace with loads of house carpet underlay or old towels (the height of professionalism). Replace carpets after drying out on the Mrs’s radiator. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS THIS IS EXACTLY THE SAME PROCEDURE AS FOR FORD KUGAS, although they also piss in on the body seams under the roof rails & ESPECIALLY those body seams you can see when the boot is open. ALSO, for Ford Focuses see the italicised writing in the paragraph above. If I sound like an old hand at this it’s because I am - through bitter experience.
  2. 1 point
    Mr Chesterman is without doubt a very clever guy who will personally trouser a fortune from the venture, what a salesman. As far as I understand (might be wrong I often am) his modus operandum is to build a business and move it on, which I think will be the case here. Blockbuster and the housing market were ripe for online disruption however, used cars are a different ball game altogether, particularly in the UK.
  3. 1 point
    I realise this is old but some tw*t bounced the thread, but... Ling and her website may be a bit out there but she certainly knows how to shift motors
  4. 1 point
    Yes they are claiming £143 Gross Profit per Unit as being a success.Classic financial market bullshit.All very Alan Partridge.At some stage someone might point out their actual Cost of Sales per Unit could be £3,000 or whatever.I suppose they can’t claim a success by admitting a loss of £2850 on each sale.
  5. 1 point
    A number of large employers are already working their staff harder than before - a visit to almost any supermarket will see staff working like dogs. I also suspect there’ll be a number of companies who realise that up to a third of their staff are deadwood & will act accordingly once the furlough cheques stop.
  6. 1 point
    We had this proper young guy in wanting to buy and he had a good deposit but we told him he needed a parental guarantor in employment.He said his mother would be OK.So his mother comes in wearing LOGO’D overalls.So I am filling in the docs,name ,address, employment and she says engineer domestic stuff.Who for ,self ,so enter self employed engineer.Anyway we prop it and Black Horse reject it as the mother does not have a job.So I give them a call and the mother goes ballistic and insists she is a hard working domestic engineer.So do the usual ‘sorry it’s out of my hands ‘ routine and refer her to Black Horse not thinking she would contact them.Within a couple of hours BH Cardiff HQ are on the phone because the mother had phoned and spoke to several of them raising the roof about being rejected.I had forgot about the telly game shows where housewives were described as domestic engineers.