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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    4 months down the line and the clutch is really a wear and tear item . IF its the clutch plates or a wear tear part , Customer use can cause this to fail . Only you knows if under your pre sales testing the clutch was fine and working as should . Agreed a warranty on 3 months then its 3 months , not 3 and a bit or 4 , as there would be no point in saying 3 months would there , A positive no its not covered and its been working fine for 4 months and how ever many miles the customers done . Maybe they will ring to see if you would , maybe they wont , A firm NO sorry warranty expired 4 weeks ago will be expected . Not our job to let someone loose on a clutch then pay for it . I had a guy buy a small car off me once and moaned about the clutch , I told him straight its your car your problem 5 months down the line , we have a workshop so offered it at a lower rate but when we got in there he had proper ruined it , Ripped the thing to pieces. Dont fold or they will bleed you dry
  2. 1 point
    Hi there fellas, I was looking to upgrade my Snapon OBD scanner (ethos Edge upto 2017 cars) for something a little newer that will let me read ECUs and clear the faults, if it could program and calibrate that would be a bonus too. which 2021 Hardware do you guys suggest or do you use that’s good? I already have Dealer level JLR software so them cars aren’t an issue but all these new cars communicate differently if I’m correct.
  3. 1 point
    The best staff are already working You need to find where they are and tempt them with shosigers and things Mot station Local car wash Etc
  4. 1 point
    Tread carefully.I can recall some good ones like checking up and finding it’s a taxi or been towing an overweight caravan .The last one I can recall it was the punter who deliberately burned the clutch out because he wanted to cancel and get his swapper back because he realised he had let it go far too cheaply.I gave him a full refund but not his swapper and thanked him for the business.With a lot of comebacks I used to often get the punter to drive me around for a couple of miles.On one we had fitted a clutch in prep and sold it and a month or two later the guy says it’s slipping.He drives me around and shows how it is slipping.I agree and ask if that is how he normally drives which he confirms so I then have to point out he is driving with his foot resting on the clutch. With comebacks which are potentially expensive in some cases you have to be like a detective.These days if I was suspicious, I would want a photo of the mileage and the general condition of the car and a copy of the invoice for the new parts incase the clutch is for another car !
  5. 1 point
    Facebook is great for recruiting in this day and age. Free / negligble cost and each application is swamped.
  6. 1 point
    That’s the problem at the second. I’m a bit blind. The phone call from the customer said it was towed in because it failed. I was just trying to gauge my liability if/when I get another phone call
  7. 1 point
    I've found its word of mouth in this business, things may of changed as it's been a long time since I've employed somebody and I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than do it again. Personally I'd do everything I can do avoid employing staff but, we all work differently
  8. 1 point
    Is it slipping, dragging, not disengaging, noisy, pedal problem etc?
  9. 1 point
    I tried insuring my m5 comp on my policy and for some reason they kicked up a fuss saying that it’s too high risk, even though I’ve got no restrictions and I deal in performance motors. no other car has ever had this problem. Maybe it’s because I put a private reg on it If you don’t mind me asking who are you insured with, David? I’m with Ageas, and In my first year with them they said they couldn’t do such a thing but after an error due to my insurance broker I “Requested” an any driver policy or I’m switching brokers and they were happy to accommodate at the same price... Im pretty sure any of our policies don’t allow us to “drive any car” as all the previous policies I’ve held state the vehicles need to be in my name or my business name in order for me to drive SDP