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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Just had a guy here looking at PX,ing his 2011 80k SRI Insignia 1.8 petrol estate , This car was black at one point but very MATT now , fairy liquid washing no doubt Covid extension on MOT expiries NOV 4th Service history was his brother he said as he's a mechanic , cant turn service light off as he hasn't got one of them Machines he says Then the smell was horrendous of Spaniel and left its honk of fox Shite , mud , hair , and every other filth its ever picked up . Brakes were more than ready for new discs and pads , Rear light was a plastic bag , Gear Box whining its nuts off as that 6 speed bag of shite does does Clutch needed two feet to press it down , Brother fitted it he said " I know what its worth matey he says " Go on then enlighten me i said , Bin offered £1,700 he said but its worth £2,000 We buy any car says its worth £1,600 but there robbers he goes on So i waited for him to shut up selling his scrap to me and said . Well £795 for a clutch , £800 for the gearbox , £400 to resurrect the paintwork , £150 for a back light unit , £200 to service it and MOT it , £350 to get it defumigated , £150 to valet it inside =£2850 plus the VAT =£3,414 , Does that explain why I value it at NOTHING . This post is for the amusement of fellow traders who have seen it all before . ALSO FOR THE PUBLIC WHO MIGHT READ THIS . LEARN FROM THE COMMENTS , If you car is a pile of scrap it will be valued as scrap . Service it , Clean It , Repair it when needed , keep the service records , MOT it on time ,DONT Let your dog take over the car , HOOVER it out , polish it , OWN It for the sake of your pocket . He's going to sell it private he says , £2,000 I'll get he assured me they think we ARE the CROOKS
  2. 2 points
    Funny thing is that he will end up selling it to we buy any car for about £1200 will end up in ukcgr section some poor trader will buy £1500 all out and be screwed over. Then a thread about a car bought at the block which is knackered
  3. 1 point
    For what it’s worth I’ll be sitting on my hands, I think cash will be king in a month or so. From the conversations i’ve had with friends and ex-colleagues still lucky to be working for some of the big dealer groups, September didn’t save most of them and sales have dropped off a cliff since (to quote more than one sales manager’s exact words). I think they will be liquidating aging stock/raising money come December. Add that to the delayed finance repossessions that have got to start filtering through at some point and desperate sellers needing quick cash, think the used car market could get decidedly messy. And that’s before you even get to brexit/3rd wave/zombie companies.......
  4. 1 point
    ....... eat out help out didn't help anyone, brainless idea. Now we're all fooked up again.
  5. 1 point
    Its not Joe Public its the test & trace which has failed. In theory, this is the solution: 1. Get the baseline cases down to a low enough level so that test & trace works properly 2. Aggressively track the new cases (via test & trace) so that restrictions are very localised and targeted, leaving the rest of the country in relative normality The system hasn't worked though, so the restrictions were great swathes of the country rather than being focused and localised. 11 days to get a test result back is useless. They were hoping and crossing their fingers but in the meantime its gone up and up again (viruses do that....) so another harsh national lockdown is needed sooner or later. May as well be sooner so there's a glimmer of hope that Xmas isn't affected, because if it runs into Xmas about 0.05% of people would actually comply with a "don't meet in households" restriction.
  6. 1 point
    Not a surprise is it given the general attitude of Jo Public regarding C19.
  7. 1 point
    What does the garages estimate say ? Any mention of surface corrosion on previous mot’s it’s how you deal with these people makes all the difference instead of saying get lost just say I am very sorry and somewhat confused the car in my expert opinion was spot on but I am happy to look at the garages detailed report and we can go from there, I might need a second opinion in a garage I use but we will cross that bridge later. nine times out of ten there in the wind.
  8. 1 point
    You have to remember that the condition reports only state what can be seen from a certain distance away - 1m, 2m or whatever. The problem is we all thought the "m" stood for meters but as it turns out as far as the auction houses are concerned it stands for miles.