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  1. 1 point
    Most stuff at auction is there for a reason. 1) Either it’s mileage is too high. 2) Body is too tatty 3) Mechanical issues 4) No service history 5) A proper car (just seller needs out quickly for cash flow reasons) I pretty much buy everything with FSH With the exception of Audi (have digital service history if at all) Proper servicing with correct grade oil and 10,000-12,000 mile intervals is essential to the modern car, especially diesel. If I buy something low mileage with FSH, firstly I have some degree of reassurance it will not give me or the new owner issues with total engine failure, or other nigly issues related to poor servicing. I find people generally ask or I will always mention it in the advert, together with images from the service book. However as mentioned a car without SH doesn’t necessarily mean it hasn’t been serviced. Service books go missing or get left at dealerships or at the last owners home etc.
  2. 1 point
    This x10000000000, been there, got the t shirt, cap and scars N this too.
  3. 1 point
    Risky game is that one Johny You have to make it very clear that a few things are at their risk , Insurance while in your care can be an issue as its not your stock is it . Warranty is also an issue as the previous owner will deny any fault existed profit margins can be contentious too as the owner wont understand the profit you need to even really think about selling it , "you sold my car for 8k why have i only got 6/7k for it " My advice is DONT do it , Sounds good but when the shite hits the fan its going down big time , all on your shoulders too Regards the accounting , its simple , you sold it on commission + VAT , return was x , profit Y plus the VAT charged to the owner
  4. 1 point
    Bosch yes I don't do Transmissions any more now, except my own, modern trans are effectively un rebuildable these days, due to everything inside being made from wet noodles ............ When you rebuild 'em, you rely on most of the "Hard Parts" being in good condition, and just replace stuff that wears like Synchros Forks and Bearings etc, or Clutches, Seals, Filters, Bushes etc in an auto But nowadays you build a box, give a guarantee, and a lot more % wise come back because some weak piece of shit that the stealerships won't sell separately has simply busted ................. Not worth it now, and it's only getting worse, I sold my share of the gearbox firm 14 years ago, my Partner sold up a couple years later, we had our hey day John Mackie is your guy in Glesga, but fuck me, I sent a customer to him, Audi with a Reverse Gear issue when hot ..................... £3500 later .......................
  5. 1 point
    Cars owned by people who think having an mot counts as a service!
  6. 1 point
    Very easy, sent them a personalised video of the car about 2/3 minutes explain how nice your car is and the fact that they need to have realistic expectations of what their budget will buy them. Not a slagging one but just a professional reply! Converted a couple of deals last month but they weren’t being as silly but fi I hadn’t bothered or simply sent silly reply back I’d have lost them! Good luck! Can’t win them all but if you don’t try you’ll never know.