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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hi All, My first post so please bear with me. Regarding the furlough scheme which has been a great lifeline for many including myself in this and numerous other industries. what is the general opinion on companies recruiting whilst they still have staff away from work on the scheme and secondly along similiar lines, is it fair and appropriate to announce redundancies whilst actively recruiting? Both aspects are very close to me personally and I'm very dissapointed if I'm honest. I personally think that the programme, to give it it's official title Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme is all about that, retaining jobs and any company who takes advantage of it for 6 months then announces almost 200 hundred redundancies should repay that money as they haven't retained those roles?
  2. 1 point
    Just put £20 extra on the price , then you wont come over as a rather tight Guy Then £5 extra above your £15 x 20 per month = another £1,200 added to your £3,600 = £4,800 so your even better off then x 5 years = £24,000 or 25 yrs = £120,000 .
  3. 1 point
    Just do what everyone else does and leave 1 egg cup of fuel in it.
  4. 1 point
    made my day with this, good 1
  5. 1 point
    Put it this way, If I went to a restaurant and they charged me for ketchup, I'd up and leave. What happens if someone won't pay for the fuel in the car? Are you going to drain it out?
  6. 1 point
    Did you chip in for the bus fare home? ideal for a hidden camera show in the making.
  7. 1 point
    The average PAYE man, irrespective of intelligence and/or professional qualifications does not understand. If the average Joe Public understood this there’d be no little for the dole.
  8. 1 point
    Absolutely. ....my Dad says all car dealers discount by at least £xxx. ....I can get one for £500 less in (insert name of city 100 miles away here). ....my friend says yours is only worth £xxxx. ....Parker’s say your car is only worth £xxxx Answer: NO PROBLEM. JUST GO & BUY ONE FROM PARKER’S - LET ME KNOW HOW YOU GET ON. Last weekend (weekend trade ), punter arrives in a 2017 Touareg, torch in hand, to look at a 16yr old p/x X-Trail, FRESHLY & PROPERLY MOT’d and priced at the princely sum on £1300. ....Why does the MOT say surface corrosion? Answer: BECAUSE I DON’T GET MICKEY MOUSE MOTS & IT’S A 16 YR OLD 4x4 AT PUSHBIKE MONEY.
  9. 1 point
    My daughter got pulled last week for NO Insurance , Plates in window , Plates on MID . Stupid Copper said plates only cover TAX , NO they don't yes they do argument took place for 20 mins before my daughter called the bloody police from the coppers car Can you tell this twat he doesn't know his job she said