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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I remember when in the 90’s,pitches advertising in AT mag were cropping up and making serious money selling imported Evos and Impreza crap to Riff Raff.They had some way of evading the import duty but by advertising them they alerted the authorities and most of these guys got wiped out financially.......BTW I was a big fan of Zafiras and most 7 seaters,we did good business with them.
  2. 1 point
    Mitsubishi are part of Nissan-Renault-Mitsubishi. Mitsubishi appear to be winding down in Europe and the US and concentrating on selling pickups and SUVs in Asia/Australia. They already shut down their car factory in Thailand and only sell pickups and SUVs there. My guess is Europe will be left to Renault and the US and China to Nissan. Not sure where that leaves Nissan in Europe. They're closing their Spanish factory and can't see the Sunderland built cars being exported to the EU if there is a no-deal Brexit. I'm thinking there will be a few dropping out of the UK market. The GBP is very weak, especially against the Japanese Yen so I don't see a great future for Subaru in the UK....
  3. 1 point
    Yes, you could very well be correct, I just bloody hate it when I don't find a 101% definite fault. I've started / driven it several times now, locking / unlocking etc, faultless so far ................ I will use it more over the next few days, if it's OK it can go home with a large invoice
  4. 1 point
    What a bellend. Since when has rubber been a good conductor of electricity?
  5. 1 point
    Here's my own sad but true light hearted take on all this C-19 bullshit .................. The powers that be say "Go to work, don't go to work" "Get the bus, don't get the bus" "Wear a mask, don't wear a mask" ........... If you are exempt you have no legal requirement to wear a mask ......... One of the exemptions is "If you are uncomfortable wearing a mask" .......... There is no "proof" of exemption (i.e. Doctors Letter etc) required ........... You can now print your own little "I'm Exempt" Stickers to put on your lapel, jumper, hoodie, shell suit etc etc from off the internet Everyone and his dog is now working /\ /\ /\ that one out, so guess what, everyone and his dog is now saying they are exempt and the Police / CPS / Procurator Fiscal would not be able to prosecute successfully, even if they actually wanted to do some proper work with the resources available .............. When every other one of your Customers has started that old malarky, like all the Tourists and some locals up here have in Mels grocery stores shop, you might as well shut the business up if you exercise your rights not to serve all of them !! But guess what, unless someone is wearing a sealed air fed mask and dragging a compressor etc along behind them, they will risk catching it anyway because the run of the mill masks don't work with microscopic virus particles anyway !! Medical scientists fact, not mine or Face - glued - screen - book bullshit Do they significantly reduce the risk ? Do they actually reduce the risk at all ? ............ Very unlikely unless some twat sneezes or coughs a grolly on your moosh !! Which was the whole reason for the 2m distance in the first instance If the Govt now told everyone on telly, social media etc etc that repeated wanking prevented you from catching C-19 then a large proportion of the population would be wankers ................... Oh wait !! If it wasn't so fuckin' true it'd be funny I do believe if I'm gonna catch it c'est la vie .............. The only other viable option is to become a snowflake and go into "Fear and Self Isolation Mode" for the foreseeable
  6. 1 point
    Thanks Tony The relays was gonna be my next move, luckily being a Henry, there are 3 types in the relay box, and more than one of each so would have been easy to swap them 2 by 2 However, here's my theory .................. At least one entity has been at this Car since it broke down. The owner says that the local garage who recovered it, and tried to fix it seemed like they didn't have a clue, which is true, they don't !! Most of our local garages are still stuck in Points and Carburettor days, which is why I do so well in my Workshop, Main Stealers are all 120 mile round trip ++++ depending where the customer lives. Muppet Garage removed the BSI for the same reason I did, (so they could actually get at the upper fuses), I think they found a blown one and replaced it thinking aha that's that then !! Then when they put the unit back in they misplaced a plug and it wasn't actually in properly ................. That's all I got right now, this is a 37k mile Car, and since I got it running it hasn't missed a beat, I will be driving it everywhere next week, put a few hundred miles on it before it gets the all clear
  7. 1 point
    I was gonna suggest a hammer and a phone call
  8. 1 point
    It is held by two screws, these may be hidden under plastic covers, either yellow or black in colour, then you'll see the screws, turn them to the left with a suitable instrument, usually a "screw driver" will suffice, remember, lefty for Lucy, right for tighty
  9. 1 point
    @Casper Cancel your contracts for your home services. When you get put through to retentions they will give you a discount. My virgin was £53 pm. They offered me £38. Anyways after i did this i found out if i gave my 30 day notice to cancel they would have continuously rang me up saying we will do it for £25 and cancel your cancellation. My son moved in and virgin let him do a transfer and its on his name at £28 now. If you stay quiet like a mouse every organisation will increase your price. You got to haggle them.
  10. 1 point
    I wouldn't go back to virgin even if they supplied one
  11. 1 point
    I changed from Apple and went for a Huawei P20 Mate Pro. Mainly for the camera. Had it a year and the battery still lasts forever, Camera is better than my Canon slr. Its basically a handheld laptop. Would highly recommend despite what you hear about Chinese phones. Found the best deals on uswitch, and phone deals change every few days so worth tracking it for a week before you buy.
  12. 1 point
    More important than anything is coverage for where you need it In the last 30 years I've had to go from vodaphone to orange to 02 As said if you use the phone for photographs then get one with a good camera Mines a hiwye absolutely brilliant camera in my opinion I've always been a clamshell guy because these modern phones dont sit in my pocket well so the wife has stitched me in an inside pocket with velcro so even if I get hung upside down by a customer (anyone remember them?) my phone doesn't fall out
  13. 1 point
    Huawei P30 Pro. Epic camera. Plus the super fast battery charging. About 1hr you get 70% and about 1hr 40 for full 100%. They released a P40 just now. Guess that must be better. I hate Samsungs every so often they become hot and slow. Always thought they did on purpose so you buy new phone. Apple did admit they did slow phones down not long ago...
  14. 1 point
    Plates are important,Elite Performance Vehicles would look good on a plate especially to punters who are concerned that their neighbours will know where they purchased their car. In the 90’s ,we sold ex Police patrol cars which were repainted and looked mint.We used to put main dealer plates on them because punters would lie to friends and neighbours.