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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi - Anyone else had their insurance due while we've been in lockdown ? Currently with Staveley Head and the new owners One Sure have decided to double it and then add a bit extra to the premium . Since the end of March I have only driven my personal car for about 10 miles to take a parcel to the drop off bin and everything else is locked up gathering dust and bird poo
  2. 1 point
    unless your policy is cheap shoparound then be careful the cover you get is comprehensive ie social domestic your own cars etc I'm not naming names, but theres some bloody big sharks out there
  3. 1 point
    iv'e had that happen before, mid update quite often change every quarter especially if you have not logged in for a while, sounds daft but try this - they often use spring, summer, autumn,winter as passwords, try summer and you might get in.
  4. 1 point
    The offer is only for dealers who didn’t reduce their advertised stock levels before the 16th of March. I like many did and there is no support at all. The majority won’t increase there stock numbers with Autotrader. Autotrader purely only exist for their shareholders and have made excessive profits off the back of car dealers for years, if they really wanted to support the motor dealers surely they would make their packages for affordable in the long term.
  5. 1 point
    Your Aldi must be better at enforcing the rules. My Aldi is like a moshpit at an Iron Maiden gig !
  6. 1 point
    my local coop is just like another day in there apart from one staff member who wears a world war 2 gas mask
  7. 1 point
    Told you, it's a new world aldi has got traffic lights ! red, no entry amber get the wheels spinning on your trolley, green go !
  8. 1 point
    Great offer ( not).What about removing the misleading price markers,how dim are these people running AT.If they want to maintain their market share,the discount should be at least 30% and with the double stock offer lasting until next year.I think greedy Auto Trader has peaked as a business and dealers with pitches ( as opposed to doorsteppers ) and who have supported them for many years have now learnt to rely on them a lot less.
  9. 1 point
    Our local Asda, and all other shops, are rigidly policing the numbers shopping. At the local Asda they've erected barriers for queueing, you're instructed to sanitise your hands on entry (hahaha) and anyone caught not following the arrows is given 50 lashes with the cat o' nine tails. I believe they've also applied for planning permission for a gun turret so any transgressors of 2mtr distancing will be shot without warning.
  10. 1 point
    All businesses have to limit customers from the local paper shop to IKEA, it's the new world we will have to get used to unfortunately Well anyone can walk in and buy so yes? Well the new guidance is quite clear and comprehensive, as was the old, who can open, when they can open, and how to run a business that complies with the regulations, if he does not know this or studied the latest guidance should he be running the company?
  11. 1 point
    well more pertinantly are you brave enough to go? I stopped going 20 years ago when the clientele decided toilets were for perching on rather than sitting on I sent a link of the future to james last night hopefully hes working on it for you guys still in the last century the futures bright but it's not orange
  12. 0 points
    I’ve just renewed mine and it actually came down for a change. Only downside is they’ve changed my password for the mid update app and I can’t get hold of anyone to find out what it is.