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  1. 2 points
    Thanks James. But the threat of catching the virus is just the same now as it was a month ago? It sounds a bit cavalier of Boris to tell us lot to ignore the danger and get on with it. And when I say danger, I mean danger for people like me, that will easily be in a life threatening condition if they catch it! So I'm sitting here wishing everyone good luck and keeping safe!
  2. 1 point
    Morning all, Kia UK execs are joining me today on Car Dealer Live - you can watch it here at midday https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealer-live-kia-uk-aftersales-sales-directors-live-midday-wednesday/190606
  3. 1 point
    Health is wealth as some learned spokesperson said on here I've seen enough idiots ignore social distancing this last 6 weeks to appreciate you are a long time in the sod I'm out I'm taking the governments groats and staying bored but healthy
  4. 1 point
    If I were younger and fitter I'd make all the same mistakes all over again! There is another element to the current issue. Since the "return to normality" is indeterminate, do we take the risk to 1) get staff back, possibly to earn less than their 80% of OTE, 2) make huge upheaval changes to the business to accommodate remote selling alongside all the contactless/social distancing/H&S at work concerns, only to bleed cash at a slightly lower rate than now. What about 6 months time? If the lockdown goes on (and on....) you'll probably be glad you acted now, because those others have missed out on the experience. And what on earth will the market look like in 6 months time? I know the various bodies which set car values have indicated they'll not let prices freefall downwards but what if people just become accustomed to being at home, demand for cars (and availability of finance) slumps never to return and its simply impossible for all but a small(er) proportion of the industry to survive long term?
  5. 1 point
    (I know its a bit grim but) I've stared death in the face in my early 20s - I was seriously ill in hospital, but lived, and am still here at 47. I don't know how I'd cope with CV19 virus - I might brush it off, but I might die. I'm not going to stop it doing what makes life worth living, though (of course, within the relevant government guidelines, legislation and moral framework we all live in). I've had a bucket list before and I've finished it - I might add a few more things though.
  6. 1 point
    Think a lot us here will have a long wait for some sort of normality to return if it ever does i was advised to stay at home for twelve weeks if possibly by the family gp what she also said was millions of people should be but because they weren't on certain meds they never got letters . But in her view they should be .
  7. 1 point
    To clarify, this is for (home) delivery, not re-opening of car showrooms. This also means "click and collect" style transactions would not be allowed at the dealership which remains closed to the public. And also, crucially, the other measures such as social distancing at work, mitigation of transmission via extra cleaning of surfaces, self-isolation if you're sick (including household members and sick pay from day 1) are all in place. I don't know your personal circumstances but I suspect you are in the group which have been strongly advised to self-isolate (as distinct from social distancing) and I don't know if you have others/staff who can take on the roles.
  8. 1 point
    Its scary really i have health concerns inc asthma .and it does worry me
  9. 1 point
    Great work James, well done! Brings clearity to everyone.
  10. 1 point
    Presumably there is a fairly even spread through the year of when renewals fall. Maybe they've done the sums and realised its better for customer retention to "be good" and offer a part-refund because a number of people are realising they could get along quite well without the car (even if/when lockdown is lifted). I never thought I'd say it but I could do it (and at road tax £325/year......)
  11. 1 point
    I would say that road risk has reduced but theft risk has dramatically increased. All those abandoned car sites......
  12. 1 point
    Want an update on the sunflowers? I bought the 'seeds' on Amazon. Thought a fiver was pricey for them. They turned up huge 500g bag... of sunflower seeds to eat, not plant. My nine year old was not impressed Not yet - I could try and get them on
  13. 1 point
    According to the department of transport vehicle use has fallen by two thirds. That must have an impact on premiums?
  14. 1 point
    looking forward to todays kia brilliant so far thank you watched them all, really gives you ideas of how other people are doing, and coping, and i am learning too ! highlight of the day actually ! have you got them sunflowers in yet ?
  15. 1 point
    Lager all round Your ok and very welcome that whats the forum is for helping each other out I've spoke to him a few times he is a sound guy im looking at making changes after lockdown and it seems he can offer the cover i require John@ Aston lark was helpful to over the years there some off the best I've come across as well as think insurance and tower gate I've dealt with others but those are the ones id recommend .
  16. 1 point
    Most definitely yes. As said in another post my lad had his renewal dropped by the same broker and underwriter within 6 days by £600. Initially the broker insisted 'your risk levels are the reason the price is £100 more this year'. But be careful, if the country opens up again in 3 weeks prices may stay a little low or might even jump up. If lockdown is extended then they will drop more. And it all depends on when your renewals are due. Keep shopping around.