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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
    Minimum wage is currently £8.21 per hour, doubt very much if many car salesmen are on minimum wage, average hours worked 37 [office for national statistics ] 37 x £8.21 = £303. 80% furlough is £242, obviously less hours less pay now if there was a petition for minimum wage workers to get at least minimum wage ?
  3. 1 point
    Yeah its a good show been a couple of series of them think its the second one there on now seem like a good family wouldn't mind attending one of the auctions at some point Thursday at 8pm is next new one
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Hi Casper P 309 diesels ,one of my all time favourites.Good margins,great punters,next to no comebacks.Early 90’s ,they were the ‘future ‘.Sounds rediculous now but we used to knock them out week in week out......past glories again !
  6. 1 point
    Watched an episode of the Sweeney just this morning and there was a bit of a chase with a Cortina Mk1 and a Mk2, two of my first cars.
  7. 1 point
    and only this afternoon you asked for a phone number to FaceTime another member of this forum. Filthy pervert!
  8. 1 point
    Same here and the Sweeney God those cars I used to work on seem old now :-)
  9. 1 point
    Due to being self employed and making over £50,000 I will get nothing. Where is my petition!!!
  10. 1 point
    brilliant we are all going to be overweight ! my hands have never been so clean neither ! arthur daleys on now on channel 24 if its any help
  11. 1 point
    We all start with positives don't we every time i buy a new car for myself i promise myself ill wash polish it and hoover it weekly then it goes to fortnightly then it goes to the local £10 mini valet place
  12. 1 point
    It would mate, I am bored out of brains too. All I do is eat and drink, walk around the garden or watch the TV. I am fine after 5pm as I am let loose on the booze cupboard and some half decent series showing on Sky/Netflix/Prime at the moment. Then again, this is only my 2nd week (I closed the doors two full weeks ago). Re the house: We went to look at one just 3 weeks ago and it would be perfect but now this has happened, I am not sure what funds (if any) I will have left to pounce. I wish I hadn't seen the house now but let's see what happens; I was starting to make plans in my head. (and I am not a nearly man, when I decide to do something 9/10 I do it). Chin up Rory, or can I call you Forrest Possibly but 90% of those will be wasting my time. Wow, I do sound like AD That novelty would soon pass. When I bought this house, the first thing I bought was a ride on mower and I was forever cutting the grass, attaching the trailer, broadcast spreader, roller, or spike seeder. I also used to drive my Series 3 around it, along with dumpers, diggers, rollers etc when we did our garden makeover. Now I can rarely be bothered to mow the grass.
  13. 1 point
    No thank you I've seen the twitterings To be perfectly honest although ling has and always will be a bit loud this is her way of being heard in what is a mans world I only know about her from the media I haven't even seen dragons den For members on here and on the twitterings to call to boycott her in future is frankly beyond the pail Keep going ling I've never ever felt the need to join a boys club or pack mentality
  14. 1 point
    Remember when Auto t m forum got shutdown few years ago. some join imda some join here. Umesh is nice guy trying to help in this difficult situations. We all trying our best. Umesh, Arfur, David Horgan, Rory RSC, James B, David Ayers and a few more their all very honest and nice people been contributed lots in forums helping lots of new startups. Stay safe.
  15. 1 point
    Isn't that worth more than the car.? Seriously though the cars going nowhere I wouldn't be thinking of driving my convertible anytime soon with airborne disease about Best park it round the back on bricks and reappraise in July
  16. 1 point
    I need to ask the wife
  17. 1 point
    Can’t you just wipe your arse on the X5 instead?
  18. 1 point
    Would you take bag of pasta and box of paracetamol?