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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Have done there reviewing the claim...
  2. 1 point
    Try to get every penny out of them thats what they do to you!
  3. 1 point
    It was assured and its a wheel bearing thats noisy
  4. 1 point
    It's not about who's responsible for checks, that is academic. The layman has asked the expert a question. The expert has given the wrong answer, the layman has taken the advice in good spirit and bought a product. That's all there is to it mate and all a judge will see. It's crap and a sign of the arse covering world we live in but men are no longer men and stand by their own decisions and responsibilities. The legal standpoint is clear, everything else is just down to how quickly and easily you can put this situation to bed and move on. Good luck.
  5. 1 point
    This thing was a shed. I was very happy to off it back
  6. 1 point
    I think the law is quite specific, as Nick says, if a customer highlights the need for the vehicle to serve a specific purpose (ie tow a certain caravan) and this need is not met, then they have been mis-sold. Will probably come down to paperwork.
  7. 1 point
    It was probably off the back of a lot of customers travelling a long way to collect cars with £100 reservation fees on and noticing most people went ahead and most people were normal we took the gamble with deliveries. I'd take the money. Not a single car leaves here without payment in full. You want a look pop down we open 7 days. You want to buy its payment in full. It does tend to be confident buyers who choose delivery the trouble some ones tend to buy in person. Apart from a copper in edinburgh who recently bought an A6 and is a thorn in my side.
  8. 1 point
    Sell quite a lot out of area every month, several unseen, confirm with video/walk round, expection and sign off on delivery, as mentioned above we get copies of driving license and utility/credit card bill for delivery address, dont deliver to anywhere else except whats on these, not had any issues with distance selling but make sure you know the consumers rights to hand back etc. We'd much rather sell locally as well as good for repeat business and can get them signed up for our service plans which keep the servicing and MOT side busy but dont be scared about selling further afield, build up a relationship with a logistics supplier like Movex, we moved to Motor trade delivery for sales beyond 100 miles as turned out much cheaper and handover to customer is really done well. saying all that a screamers always going to be a screamer regardless of where they are and dont be put off by distance selling regs, just get to know them and you'll be fine
  9. 1 point
    Get one done by Movex, get assigned a transport company, take their details, deal with them direct.
  10. 1 point
    Drive the 200 miles to them if they sound nice people, turn up smelling of brut and with a massive grin on your face, firm handshake get them in it driving it loving it give them the patter show them the docs and locking wheel key - spare key then politely invite your way in for a coffee milk 2 sugar and a bank transfer once funds showing as cleared wish them a wonderful afternoon and make your own way home via public transport or lift. PS dont send a donkey to collect payment and sell them it YOU DO IT
  11. 1 point
    I just sold quite similar X1 for just over £11K. Phone went off the hook.
  12. 1 point
    You know you’re on a car Trader’s page? You’re looking about £4-4500 trade money.