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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Some places are prone for for flooding. And if you're not local to that area you might ruin your motor. Even worse if the driver is inexperienced
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Haha seen it last week 420 i bmw in the middle of a puddle with the lady driver turning it over funny thing is the old diesel vectra px i was driving at the time ploughed through it no probs
  4. 1 point
    Back in the 2007? there were a lot of cars damaged in the worst floods we had seen in our lifetime, the insurers at the time were looking at big loss's, many insurers foolishly attempted to repair some of these instead of paying out, it didn't work and many cars were littered around workshops for months before it was conceded it was a bad idea, since then if it's been in the water it's usually an instant write off. You mention £2k rebuild? any idea what that involved? a rewire alone on that car would be a huge cost an enough to write it off. If it's been payed out and has a marker you have no chance of having it being changed / overturned.
  5. 1 point
    I was referring to my personal number, not work. CarGurus you can see which car they have called about via email.
  6. 1 point
    Another hijack job by AT, generic numbers instantly give those who don't fly straight the same credibility as those of us who have had a city business landline forever, so it's good news for those who sell shite from the side of the road, local buyers recognise long standing local landline numbers and that instil's confidence in ringing, exactly the same if i miss a call from a landline - i know where they have called from no matter what they say. There is zero need in having a third party involved between a buyer and seller no matter how small that hurdle is, and we are all capable of monitoring our own leads. There was talk sometime ago regarding AT gathering information via email contact with mutterings that they could then up sell a lead to others and that others were interested in buying your lead - ie supermarkets who spend more with AT, perhaps this new number system could be the start of something similar? who knows, but i do know that if a customer rings me direct then AT have no knowledge of this and hence zero chance of being involved in what is a private matter between a seller and buyer.
  7. 1 point
    Yes I do and my website address is the same as my trading name so it makes sense.
  8. 1 point
    After 15 years of selling cars from online adverts the idea of not answering my phone to strange numbers is a novelty to me :-) If I try to return a missed call and get no answer I follow up with a text message. I wish there was also a way to know which car they were calling about. On all my photos I have my web address covering the number plate so when I include it in the text message it rings a bell for people.
  9. 1 point
    Because when you miss a call and try to call back, you will be calling from a different number and people don’t always answer calls from numbers they don’t know.
  10. 1 point
    There will be a lot of RHD new stuff sitting around at the moment.How might the manufacturers react if they offer to take 500 of X every 3 months less 50% and pay now.?
  11. 1 point
    Because i am not a number i am a free man
  12. 1 point
    You all have access to the MID don't you ? Put yours back on and tell him/her to go bury his head and don't do it again , or you will bury it for him
  13. 1 point
    Just had a look at this and it does seem a bit odd. I'm sure someone in Eastern Europe or Somalia will find a good home for it.
  14. 1 point
    I thought Cat B meant it could only be broken for parts? My bike was a Cat B write off after a crash on a round about years ago, I bought it back off the insurance company, I couldn't sell the frame but could sell everything else (that wasn't broken or bent).
  15. 1 point
    It will probably happen.Amazon can order and prepay for 1000s of stock without blinking.Off topic,Anyone following BBC 3 Breaking Fashion about selling crap fashion ( called fast fashion) with the help of social media influencers.Real eye opener about understanding the must have mentality of millenials .