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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    You can look at Brexit from a selfish point of view or the wider picture. For me personally it’s been great. In my other business I get paid in US dollars, as the pound weakens, my income has gone up and up. As for the car business, I am looking forward to next year. There will be opportunities whether we leave or not. From a selfish point of view I just want it decided one way or the other. Looking at the wider picture, in the referendum I was undecided. Now I think leaving is one of the craziest things this country has ever done, up there with making Boris PM and almost on a par with the USA making Trump President. However, the people voted and I just want it done and dusted, it won’t effect me much either way, it could certainly screw things for the younger generation though.
  2. 1 point
    Hi All, Years ago when car craft was at its height and they set up WBAC, I started buying from them. All total junk. All BCA seems to be filled with is WBAC cars. My question is, is it any better or is it still other peoples problems? I'm on the hunt for stock and most seem to be UKCARG
  3. 1 point
    same as most vendors you pays your money you takes your chances.
  4. 1 point
    14 - take plenty of Ecstasy ... man.
  5. 1 point
    1-12, you forgot number 13 - tell forum spammers to fook off.
  6. 1 point
    Same. It will create opportunities for many, but if it's no deal then expect credit to tighten as banks will become wary of increased default rates. Younger generations already have enough problems, this might just add to them. As ever I think the richer you are the more likely you are to profit.....so the reality is likely to be a no-deal Brexit leading to a Labour government within a few years as Brexit is not the magic panacea to living conditions/costs that Boris made it out to be and the electorate will vote for the next set of promises they are given. "The Revolution eats it's Babies", I suspect Boris and Dominic are about to learn this in the next 12 months.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    And at the moment approx 80% plus of the population including 99% of the NI population...
  10. 1 point
    There lies the problem. There is simply no party worth voting for. Makes no difference. Remain or don’t remain. Either way the fundamental problem is still there.
  11. 1 point
    I'm certainly not reliant on trade with the EU , But i remember when two friends lost their trawlers after the EU stole their fishing grounds , one committed suicide actually his losses were so high , We lost touch with great traders after we joined the Common mkt and wasn't allowed to trade with them, after that it got worse . So trading deals works both ways in my view and i have never liked the close shop EU way . Regards my customers and yours , My view again is there will be customers in abundance when we get Britain back under our control again and stop the EU taking our factories and work out of this country , Plenty of British people would like the work I bet and that's were all our customers are , give people the work and pay them " they will spend it if they have it in their pockets " that money is no good for Britain if its in a Dutch/French/Polish/ workers pocket . We cant pay them if we don't make things , That's were my customers are . Regard trading with the EU , what on gods earth makes people think the EU farmers , Car Makers , Wine cheese and anything else trades wont want to trade with us after we leave , we want Britain back not build a bloody wall , we like our EU friends , its not war . We just need control back . watch others leave when we go . I for one don't believe a down turn is heading our way , but we need out before we lose anything else , to make it work , or we will get the euro , and a bunch of rules and they will bleed us dry doing it .
  12. 1 point
    Leave means leave, no if no buts no coconuts
  13. 1 point
    Did not screw the country it’s all conjecture. No one actually knows- but if we all get positive this country could actually be great again. Those that lost need to stop whinging and accept the result. I for one look forward to getting out.