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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Thanks for the kind words Guys Yep, I've had pets all my life, Dogs and Cats, you show them love and they return it in spadefuls. I'm still gutted about poor Puss, but the 2 new kitties have taken away some of the pain and the house is now a lively place again. Thankfully they can't go out yet, won't be old enough / neutered until September, so hopefully this bloody race track outside will be calmed down a bit !! A load of bikers came through here yesterday well over 80 mph, I tried to grab an off cut of timber to chuck at them, but by the time I grabbed a bit they were gone They went in Mels Shop 6 miles down the road, foreigners ............... We've been here 13 years now, this year is the worst for shit drivers ...................... Bloody Tourists are a PITA !! A lot of locals like us have grand children that visit often, and there are a few young couples with kiddies, it's only a matter of time before someone gets run over, I've moaned to the Cops to Police it, but as usual they are as much use as a chocolate cock, well a lot less useful actually Like others have said I prefer animals to a lot of Humans
  2. 2 points
    Which is why it is important to do a job you like, then you'll never work again.
  3. 2 points
    Try cutting your cloth to suit, if you can't afford your stock then you either need to; 1) source better priced cars (I know, virtually impossible!) 2) purchase cheaper vehicles. 3) close the doors & pack the job in. You certainly shouldn't compare yourself with many of your peers, unfortunately many in this game are kidding themselves & are up to their neck in debt, paying too much rent for crap premises & pretending to be the big man driving around in a newish Mercedes or BMW financed up to the hilt - no different to a mug punter in all honesty.
  4. 1 point
    +1 this is the office number 0113 2709488
  5. 1 point
    My advice would be to change your stock profile , if its standing still on its own then borrowing money wont help will it ? All it means is you need a faster burn rate of sales , more bites at the cherry pot , more profit per unit , all goes to changing stocking profile as you have to much money tied up in too few cars . Regards Stocking loans ; paying these set ups is expensive in the long run , they make it sound cheap but its not . seen some sound little business go down because of these guys . Know some floating in Heaven but haven't a clue its closing in on them Finance companies will lend stocking money but want reciprocal business , always wondered how that works myself . How does it go if customer wants to pay cash , " er no Mr Customer has to be finance " doesn't work in reality does it . I'm old school though so Know NOTHING , don't listen to me .
  6. 1 point
    Call Casper on here , Ghost Buster friend Casper , you can split the commission later
  7. 1 point
    A1 approved warranty , they will do a self warranty pot system with you too . Off my head its a silver warranty package , time of your choice , £30 to them , rest back to you at any time you choose . Ask for Stuart when you ring , decent guy .
  8. 1 point
    07983738259 - Nick McDonald - Leeds based A1 are the one to go with.
  9. 1 point
    What exactly is he doing? Get a priest in. Or else some holy water and sprinkle it around. If it sizzles when it hits the floor, you've just killed Casper.
  10. 1 point
    I would rather just tell a buyer that the history is confirmed by bmw, i wouldn't want to explain why i was holding a diy service history book in my hand - not to be confused with a duplicate history book supplied and stamped by the franchise is it.... home made service books (even like for like) are one of the reasons this trade gets a shit reputation, the reality is customers are aware these days that confirmation is easily available and in the future will be only available online like the latest mercedes etc (no service book on these now is standard unless requested). in my eyes - tradegirl by confirming on the phone with bmw you have already done enough on this particular car, cant see having a book in your hand with just 2 stamps being a deal breaker.
  11. 1 point
    If you want to make money, do paint....