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  1. 2 points
    Like big style. I’m all about working wiser, valuing my time and making my business work for me. Spending quality time with my family now, watching my boys grow and enjoying ourselves is THE priority. My dad passed away when I was 10, he was 50..... I’m now 50 with 4 & 5 year old boys....... it’s all about family and making memories
  2. 1 point
    think yourself lucky ,beenaroundtheblock cant get rid of his
  3. 1 point
    Ive a 05 one here and id be lost without it! Even for delivering cars that are sold, saves me taking a driver with me. If you see any chassis cabs on your travels give me a bell please!
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    My border collie is pretty fit for an oldun but about a year ago we took her to the vets because she just couldn't move. My Mrs took her (it is at the end of the road) because a taxi was waiting to take me to BCA to collect a car. I made the taxi stop outside the vets and I ran into the room in tears (like a baby as you say Casper). Luckily, she is back to normal now and has plenty of energy for an old girl. She has stopped coming to work now though, I ask her every morning if she wants to come with Daddy but she gets too tired and can't sleep there very well. I am welling up talking about her . Too soft for this trade.
  6. 1 point
    So sad. Dogs/cats - awesome. People-not so much. Really miss my recently departed (3rd) GSD. Trying not to like the new arrival Springer Spaniel her indoors insisted on too much! :0) Must be what- 15 degrees C there now! ;0)
  7. 1 point
    Hi NOA, Mel fine, my poor fit and healthy 4 year old cat got run over by some wanker speeding through our 40 limit who just fucked off, lady from the Petrol Station saw it, picked him up and he was already dead, put him in a box and brought him to me bless her ............... Jeez that hurt, I was gutted. He was part of the household, at 4 years he was just starting to calm down a bit and become his own little self. It's bad enough when you lose a pet who is very old and ill, so that is kind of expected We have 2 new gorgeous kitties now keeping us on our toes and waking us up at 4 am lol. I'm just very busy with projects, and making the most of the decent weather to catch up on outside jobs, just re roofed the Conservatory, done a load of work on Hot Tub, pump and motor was getting noisy so I got an upgraded one, some newer style jets and some other bits, great to have it recommissioned, also a new sound system and lighting going in the Conservatory, bigger Beer fridge etc etc Cleared out and sold / scrapped a load of stuff we no longer need / use, junked a lot etc. I've heavy duty racked out the big storage shed for the impending breaking of the S500 Donor car I bought, then come early November the V8 etc will be going in my SLK, I've got all the parts needed and already cloned the V6 Immo Data to a spare V8 ECU, bought a programmer, built a lappy for it and taught myself how to do it Also doing some de forestation, this is the first summer I've had for 5 years where we haven't had all the running around every weekend, weeks down south etc because of 2 terminal illnesses and deaths in Mels family, (her bro and then her dad). Place has become a bit of a jungle with a long list of outstanding jobs, but I'm getting there now, also clearing and re claiming a large piece of steep sloping ground, local guy is going to fill it with rocks to bring it level with the rest then surface it so initially more Car parking, then maybe a huge Workshop in the future A few large trees to come down still. Workshop is also really busy, if it were bigger I'd employ someone, well if I could find anyone decent local that is I'll be back in force when it all calms down and the rains back on Cheers for now
  8. 1 point
    Autosmart and Nielsen mainly but always willing to give other stuff a try. G101 is a brilliant allround cleaner and terrific value as it is still effective with a 10 to 1 dilution rate, £50 plus VAT for 25 litres around here!
  9. 1 point
    www.autojoy.co.uk good products and cheap.
  10. 1 point
    Half cap is how i value them if I ever do buy. If it's £10000 cap clean I would expect to pay no more then £4500 on hammer price if it's a £3000 car I want it at £1200.