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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Buttons are dodgy on those Korean steerings. Had an IX35 here a few months back. Cruise not working as I discovered on a journey, couldn't find a steering at the breakers which had cruise, just one with a blank. So removed the buttons, put on the blank filler and thought nobody would notice. Lady came to buy it and the first thing she noticed was it had no cruise control. Told her it mustn't be in that model and sold it to her.
  2. 1 point
    please dont use this device to do your online bidding otherwise you are going to own the auction but go to jail trying to pay for it
  3. 1 point
    Thank you. Belt and braces with a written form is what I shall do
  4. 1 point
    this sounds a recipe to disaster if you have say 4 cars with a lot of your money in them and they dont sell you end up renting very expensive parking bays i would keep to what i knew sold for you and maybe go further afield to fill the demand for your new unit trader down the road from me thinks nothing of spending all day travelling to scotland as an example just to collect one car because he knows it has profit written on the windscreen most important thing is DO NOT fill your unit if you get it with stock because you feel you have to,you dont its your business not anyone else's always remember this because every tom at the block will give you regretful advice
  5. 1 point
    People buy with their eyes . Imagine driving into a scruffy area yourself , its sets the scene doesn't it BUT it does depend on the perception of scruffy too , and the price difference , plus what your selling , how long the lease is , your expectations of how many sales and profits you need or want . 5k to 12k and above, in my opinion the better site will pay off in that price region . Look at potential passing trade too , its a cash cow when they start to know where you are situated . just me thinking out loud
  6. 1 point
    excellent input Law Jaw you give your time and free legal help on this forum for everyone to see ,thank you
  7. 1 point
    depends what you are selling if specialising then location isnt as important because choice makes people travel especially if what you specialise in is something that few do location for everything else is and always was important irrespective that everyone has sat navs these days,many still do their homework if travelling far also remember that security is an important issue as just one random attack could put you out of business the police arent interested these days so you have to make sure you are happy with the surroundings just like your customers would need to feel comfortable parking up to visit you
  8. 1 point
    I'm in a similar predicament myself. Curious to see everyone's response.
  9. 1 point
    Honesty is the best policy. Some honesty. then some CLEAR paperwork and a touch more honesty and as NOA says, you should be fine. or just make it a rare occurance and stick to 2k+ like also mentioned. and when you do sell one, offer a video like this
  10. 1 point
    My God we will be refunding people for loose valve caps next . Cruise is broke , Just mend the bloody thing , Not difficult is it , happy customer then , all this stuff about how its described and was it this that and the other in the sales advert and whats on invoices is piffle . Cars are not perfect , they break , Fix the problem asap and jobs done , OMG mr customer , how unfortunate , don't worry we know how to put that right , remember 99% of the whole private population of car users and 40% of traders think its complicated , just assure them its easy and they are going to get it fixed .