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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Was you doing things differently before, ie different stock profile, cheaper prices, different advertising platforms ? Do you have a contingency fund for the bad times? this often gets overlooked but if you are 100% relying on the retail motor trade as an income then i think everyone should have one. Each person would probably come up with a different figure but personally i would want minimum 3 months living costs tucked away that only gets touched if i cannot draw a wage from the business on a downswing. When things pick up you can top up the contingency account and should do so regularly when you can to build it. This helps to take the weight off so you can concentrate on the day job and still pay the bills ( in the short term ) Another option as a home trader is you have the luxury of being able to take on a job as well when things turn bad, still doing 2 or 3 on the side and building up a cash pile in the process.
  2. 1 point
    Clutch has to be lined up properly when fitted ? Or it shakes Flywheel bolts tightened properly ? New Bolts ? New release Bearing fitted properly ? It was changed ?" Just a thought Might be a silly thought " But they did change the flywheel ? " one hopes . Things have been left in silly places as suggested , seen that many times . Annoying though isn't it when you've done the right thing
  3. 1 point
    It just goes to show what I’ve always said about reviews. Absolute bullshit. I sold a car yesterday. The buyer commented on my good reviews. The strangest thing is I haven't a clue what he was going on about. There’s no fucker left me any good reviews that I’m aware of.
  4. 1 point
    My experience of chargebacks is that it doesn’t make a difference what card type, and the banks don’t have a dialogue with you they just do it. If your employer can’t afford £250 to refund what seems like a genuine situation where the customer has a right to a refund then I’d be looking for a new employer. Put yourself in his shoes, website says refundable and gives no conditions, why should he expect any issue? if it happened to me then I’d be doing chargeback plus writing to company MD directly with my complaint before following it up legally. Might cost me more than £250 but I take exception to being misled. Fortunately the writing to MD’s generally works, my son even got his iPhone replaced by Apple after local store told him he was out of warranty (they’d timed it from date ordered not collected)
  5. 1 point
    Thank you for letting us know Sir, I do understand as many people now opt for an automatic gearbox. We have two options for you 1) We will refund you straight away and thank you for considering us or 2) We hold on to your deposit and find you a more suitable car within the next 7 days. Eveything else, all the other benefits we discussed will remain. What would you like us to do Sir?
  6. 1 point
    You're not thinking this through - what do you think the scam is? If Scrawf doesn't get sent money in the first place then he won't be sending the car off. I think the scammer sends the funds, receives the car then draws the money back by claiming fraud or the car has an issue.
  7. 1 point
    Yours do because if they don’t they don’t have a hope in hell of buying a car from you. We get a lot just turn up having given all the info they need. Regarding paypal blatant scam. Also when telling people you have changed brakes spell it right breaks sounds shit.
  8. 1 point
    Setup a PayPal account registered to a bank account you don't use, get him to pay, whip the cash out of the account. Scam the scammer.