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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Yes, I earned an absolute bucket load of Cash charging £40 a time to check peoples Car Electronics for the Millenium Bug, and in return I gave them a Certificate printed from Windows to say that their vehicle should be fine after 31/ 12/ 99
  2. 2 points
    Good advice as ever. I'd add to it that you shouldn't listen to people saying you can't do it or the good old days are gone or it's not like it was. Rory off here said numerous times to me and others for that matter, to "just work harder than everyone else" and it's true. Instead of moaning about something not happening, work harder etc. If you have your own successful business then you no doubt have this mentality anyway. There are a couple of sayings I like. One from Gary Player, the American Golfer; The harder I practice, the luckier I get" The other, supposedly George Bernard Shaw; "People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it" Good luck.
  3. 1 point
    I sold a shitty 53 plate c max for 450 to 9 of morecambes finest travelling community last week, 9 of them.
  4. 1 point
    You are correct and believe me I am keeping everything crossed. I thought twice about posting this and in hindsight I think I might just take it down. You never know who's watching
  5. 1 point
    That's interesting, have you got a link to an example? I 'd quite like to get something done for our videos
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    cars sales is the best way to make a small fortune.............................. of course we all started with a large fortune but that`s beside the point For my two peneth................. its a lot harder than you think, From the outside i would agree it looks "easy money", Pitfalls where you could never imagine, Every purchase and then every sale is a potential risk and loss, it will consume time like you can not imagine and you will wonder how we established lot end up carrying it on given all the hoops we have to jump through
  8. 1 point
    Its not a DIY, you pay someone to do it. Fiverr is like a free lance market place?
  9. 1 point
    Possibly not, I bet he has great taste in shoes though
  10. 1 point
    Yes, mostly to myself when I see a cheap mini on the block and think it won't be like that last one!
  11. 1 point
    sounds good does he need to put his left leg in our out as he shakes it all about
  12. 1 point
    Offer him silly money knowing theres a fault and will be a big bill to repair. £1300 for insignia if he wants it fair deal you could move it on via auction if not you not missing out on much really
  13. 1 point
    Last I heard the House of Lords had asked HMRC to clarify a shit tonne of problems with MTD and insisting, well suggesting, it’s delayed... probably to help their friends out
  14. 1 point
    Not worried. We'll get food and water. (And no it wont be £50 for a litre of water or £80 for bread. EU needs the UK e.g. our security services are better than the rest. Everytime France has a terror issue its our boys in blue that help out, the French are useless). People in war torn countries dont get food or water. Not fussed at all about brexit. Hand to mouth at the moment so couldn't care less if i be rich or not. And am sure most of you lot have a good bank balance. Enjoy the wealth whilst you got health or you might be like Lucas' trainer coughing blood at 75 whilst running a car lot. That's what Teresa May and co want from you...so they can get a massive inheritance tax off you when you die. Don't want to sound like a moan bag but it's true. Ask yourself 10yrs ago who was alive. In 10yrs we might be dead. Enjoy the £££ boys and girls.
  15. 1 point
    Not worried at all TG it won't affect the likes of us by a huge amount, in fact if the economy goes that bad it could work to our advantage, folks will need to keep their cars running longer and will be looking to buy cheaper decent Cars not brand new Smaller Independents should do better than big fish with large overheads Me, said it before I don't give a monkeys it will not affect me in the slightest I will definitely take advantage of whatever scenario, I just don't know right now what that may be
  16. 1 point
    Is no one else worried? I wasn't until I heard that if we exit without a deal, the economy will collapse. And I'm not rolling in it to take advantage of a collapsed economy. If I had a few hundred thousand in the bank I'd be sleeping easy, deal or no deal.
  17. 1 point
    Hi JKG Are you an auction guy.If you are,you are based fairly central for some big ones and there must be people on here who would pay you a fee to check out stuff and bid for them.I was looking for someone like that just last week.
  18. 1 point
    If there was a world trust championship for the motor trade then RAC/AA etc would be right up there going for gold. They may as well right their reports in crayon as far as I'm concerned.