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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Yes have given the window reset thing a go, didn't change anything. Thank you for the suggestion though! That's what its all about!
  2. 2 points
    Mr Customer was very reasonable, even though it broke down leaving him stranded on the M3 the day after collection.... “This shit happens” was his attitude, so I wowed him with customer care, it really makes all the difference to me when the customer is polite and reasonable, then I bend over backwards for them.
  3. 2 points
    All fixed and done, customer happy again
  4. 1 point
    sounds good does he need to put his left leg in our out as he shakes it all about
  5. 1 point
    Remember being told "treat others how you would wish to be treated yourself".. Nothing wrong with this, just need to sniff out the mickey takers.. early on! Non the less, well done dealing with this one at such a distance and keeping the billie happy. He will be enjoying his motor this weekend and sleeping easy.. which is all part of the service we aim to deliver..
  6. 1 point
    Yes, ahh, understand and I couldn’t agree more, I don’t always help myself... in fact I’m really stubborn sometimes if they are rude..... I never have the intention or would never knowingly put a customer in that position, but when they’re assumption is immediately it’s my fault and I knew..... it rattles me
  7. 1 point
    The low oil pressure warning on start up is due to a seal between the sump and the oil pump, bit fiddly to do... budget around £150 to do. The perished seal causes the oil to fall back out of the pump and into the sump.
  8. 1 point
    When someone says to me they want a smaller car, that usually sets my spidey senses tingling. Smaller engine yes. Smaller car? I dunno. Who drives an insignia and thinks "you know what I could do with? Less room" That's not really THAT relevant here but I do find it odd when people want to downsize.
  9. 1 point
    You dont need to do this guy a favour. Every time ive done a deal where the deal involves very little cash, theres a problem (normally significant) with the swapper that I hadnt spotted, intermittent running fault etc. I'm happier taking swappers for a few hundred quid, can always get rid of them. So go with your gut, and sell to someone else. If he really wants your car, he can use WBAC and turn up with the cash
  10. 1 point
    Hi, Left front Wheel Bearing, 4very deep salty corrosion pits on outer race and 1 on inner race, balls colouring up straw colour I was surprised absolutely horrendous noise and harmonic at 30 mph, worse with speed but Driveshafts / CV's all perfect, it has had ABS Sensor and New Bearing, drives as lovely as they ever do now Customer on way to collect it
  11. 1 point
    Honorary membership to the forum right there...
  12. 1 point
    That would be far too sensible
  13. 1 point
    Thanks Kelly, just downloaded XERO and will have a play today. Much appreciated Frazer
  14. 1 point
    /\ /\ /\ Absolutely love this, it's the way it should be here Love the "If you're mamma ain't gonna trust ya I aint gonna trust ya" shit AD, how's about putting this at the start of your Vids
  15. 1 point
    Brexit was never an issue if done properly but the idea of trusting the politicians to deliver it was. I wouldn’t trust Boris Johnson to do my shopping, let alone negotiate exit from the EU. in terms of real world negotiating and planning experience, there is more of that in the members of this forum than the entire House of Commons, many of whom have never had a proper job, let alone a commercial one.
  16. 1 point
    I’ve never even looked at Dealer Auction. Is it fun?