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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    The leverage debate could go on all day. If used correctly and with eyes wide open then yes it can enable you to grow quicker and make more money....BUT....most people overestimate their ability to handle debt, everyone who starts in business thinks they will make money, the majority do not. I would advise a new or newish say less than 2 years in the game avoid borrowing large sums and try and grow naturally if possible. Leverage is a double edged sword, when things are going good then its great...but when things are bad it becomes EXTRA bad.... This stocking loan bubble is bound to burst at some point...it reminds me a bit of the buy to let market early 00's when you could do same day remortgage etc to build a portfolio grow exponentially and have 50 houses in a few years......some of them people have done well but a lot are either bust or stuck in negative equity kept alive by low interest rates....
  2. 1 point
    £1-£3k Mini's = BIG BILLS £1-£3k Cooper S's = BIGGER BILLS As per pretty much everyone's advice - DON'T DO IT TO YOURSELF - trust me, I know.
  3. 1 point
    Sounds good Lucas.. you're getting better, hopefully you will have your own pitch soon and all the fun that goes along with it.
  4. 1 point
    It is easy to miss details from the topic.I think I must be the biggest culprit aswell as going off on a tangent.Its all well intended good stuff and banter from all of us ....
  5. 1 point
    I know see that Matt did say it was a prominent pitch that he was considering.
  6. 1 point
    Petrol is the new Gold in the used car market :-) When punters talk to me about steam from the exhausts in the winter I always breathe out, point at the steam from my mouth and promise them that I'have not drank any oil that day.
  7. 1 point
    Most of us who have been in this job a long time can recall a lot of guys who talked a big game,looked the part etc and then suddenly self destructed often leaving a trail of havoc.That is why I never believe big profit talk unless I have seen actual financial results which are often availible in the public domain.Unfotunately this job attracts a lot of bullshitters.
  8. 1 point
    I totally agree in terms of property investment leverage will always make you more money, but it has to be done sensibly. After the crisis lenders tightened up which meant people needed skin in the game to operate, around 25%, previously you could literally build a portfolio with no money down which was a disaster waiting to happen. I see the stocking loans as similar as in you can acquire a high value stock with none of your own money invested, in the wrong hands this will head the same way, people overpaying, sitting on stock too long debts mount up and bang... Dont get me wrong i still think if done sensibly it is a good way to build the business but i would advise newbies to be cautious from jumping in and trying to run before they can walk.
  9. 1 point
    £650 Gross ?? i only ever count money as profit thats Net after all costs and overheads have been deducted
  10. 1 point
    Can't speak for everyone but I am personally unemployable. I would probably pass an interview but a couple of weeks in they'd be showing me the door :-)
  11. 1 point
    It’s a nice way to live. Yes you end up being taken on or taken advantage of once in a while but the upside is you don’t end up a miserable cynical old bastard that hates life.
  12. 1 point
    Finance price hangers + finance example in the silent salesman
  13. 1 point
    Price boards and silent salesmen. The silent salesmen are more for me than the customers!
  14. 1 point
    And for those lacking it it gives 6 years of (near) peace and mind if they do muster the confidence to buy :-)
  15. 1 point
    Why? There's already one dealer on here (well, part dealer, full time mechanic god, Sir Dave of Scotland) who was unaware of the facts so if a couple of other dealers on here get educated it can't be a bad thing. If I know about it and I'm a proverbial pup, everyone should know it. And yes, as you have pointed out, trying to keep things "secret" from the entire internet is a futile task. In any case, I think people should come on here and see that most of us do the job right, know what we're talking about etc. It inspires consumer confidence in the industry.
  16. 1 point
    /\ /\ /\ Yeah, could well have opened a Can of the proverbial there Who's gonna be the first to get the call ................ "Since I bought that £200 Skoda off you 5 and a half years ago .............................. "
  17. 1 point