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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I’ve never thought that someone based in the North East will describe the population of London as “really skint”...
  2. 1 point
    Absolutely right, be positive! Now, where do I send my application for a Maruti franchise please?
  3. 1 point
    Stop focusing on the negative nick, think of all those exciting business opportunities in china and india you're free to take advantage of. Plus with all that extra money they can plough into the NHS, if it does go tits up, you're well sorted for hyper tension!
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    While I am a Remainer (ReMoaner, even ReScreamer) doom actually brings tremendous opportunities. Do you remember 2008-2009? Poor sales of used cars for a few months but because new and nearly new car sales were very poor (no finance approvals) and because of the scrappage scheme of 2009 there was severe stock shortage. Even franchise dealers were stocking other makes of prestige cars and those sales were very strong. Then the stock became so low that prices shot up something like 25% in 2009-2010 (and WBAC really grew)... I remember one "deal" in 2010: Bought a 2007 ex-MoD Astra Life for under £3000 (the going rate then) in June '10 from BCA Bedford and sold it online to a buyer from Aberdeen for £4800 a couple of months later. They were going to the Edinburgh festival so I agreed to deliver the car there for extra £300, enough to cover the trip, hotel and flight back for two. Had a nice couple of days there actually. The next morning got an early easyJet flight back to Luton and a taxi to BCA Bedford armed with the £4800 fully expecting to buy two cars for that money. The cheapest out of 25 or so ex MoD Astras went for £4400! Only two months later. I know it's an extreme example but back in the day auction prices were more stable than they are now. My money will be on 3-8 year old stock, £3K to £15K
  6. 1 point
    I would touch in the bumper with a touch up pen and ignore the wheels. If a customer mentions them, use an offer to refurb as a way to close the deal.
  7. 1 point
    You need one thing to bring the dealers and that's a big customer base ! With these type of "start up business's" of which there has been quite a few on here for me they have all been approached the wrong way round. You come to ask dealers advice on what they want and that's all good and well but in reality what you need at this point is to build something that customers want. Bring the customers and the dealers will come not the other way round ! You have to think like a customer "why would i choose to look anywhere other than AT to find a car" you work that out and your away. You could get every dealer to sign up from the is Forum but if you don't have any customers is completely pointless. Do some proper paid market research for your customer base rather than tapping into forums for free and you may well find the answer.
  8. 1 point
    Always leave the customer something to have a dig at eg a little wheel scuff . When they ask what is going to be done about the wheels because of the scuff , tell them its priced into the deal , BUT I can get it done for you at £100 , amazed how many forget the scuff and its never mentioned again , all because you have put the ball into their court and now they have to decide . BUT some of the others will have it done and with these people it hasn't cost you the £100 , Win WIN .
  9. 1 point
    Some of the best car's we sold both prep wise and the odd minter we've bought in, I've then seen them out and about or in local tesco say 3-6 months later and they are already wrecked, you just think whats the point? It's usually the most fussy customers in the first place too... cars*. Need edit button.
  10. 1 point
    He was a finalist who won an award so he is now an 'Award Winning Dealer' which sounds even better. Great for marketing and long term credibility. Regards self nomination you have to be in it to win it. I didn't self nominate for Dealers dealer, someone must have voted for that category which was a surprise. We nominated for used car sales team and must have done well during mystery shop etc The awards are tough there are a lot of dealers both good and bad in the running and its not easy to make the shortlist full stop out of the amount of entries from dealers out there. You can play the game and join in or crack on irrespective selling cars and bringing profit in which is what counts at the end of the day but its a good night with a lot of good people and I can confidently say having a few awards has led to us being able to sell more cars.
  11. 1 point
    I am very into figures for all the businesses, The ones i delve into first are / overheads / net profit / historical comparisons, comparisons are not massively important to some sectors but i do like to see growth year on year.