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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    That's the saddest part of my job, what should seem like common sense turns out to be extremely hard for some people...
  2. 2 points
    The inspectors I have had seem fine, get chatting with them and they're usually sweet. From their perspective they're expecting hostilities from the minute they arrive so the offer of a cup of java and a smile usually gets them behaving themselves. I just adopt the approach that they can find whatever they like with the car, I've done my job right, the car is well prepared and if this punter doesn't want to leap upon an opportunity to own a well prep'd car, someone else will. I can almost say with certainty that as soon as you tell this punter he has to fork out for the inspection he will disappear into thin air.
  3. 1 point
    I agree. Looks doctored and more like a calendar shoot. I’d much rather see it as a realistic representation. However, I’m not the target audience so good luck to them.
  4. 1 point
    That's the retail from Factor, that's what billy gets charged Of course I didn't pay that We have Euro and HMP also Dingbro (don't use Dingbro, robbers). HMP are fine, can always get a good mark up on their stuff I do always use the specifically Specced Oils for these lumpy / newer Cars rather than a generic. Most of the Garages here have 2 drums, 5W30 and 10W/40 that goes in everything, me, nah, don't do that shit !! It's gonna be a good month, wil;l be having a 3-4 week Xmas this year
  5. 1 point
    What about cherished transfers? - I've got a right one on the go (VAG drivers). Had to be done by post because there was a gap in RFL - sent all forms and DVLA messed up, customer calling me out on it as well as saying I had taken too much money and got my invoice calculations wrong. After 3 attempts to explain the maths, they finally agreed I was right having forgotten to carry the one over in their manual calculations. The best bit............retired maths teacher.
  6. 1 point
    Or the accident you Mom and Dad had 50 years ago
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Depends on who turns up i have had some tidy ones and a few we almost threw out by the scruffs of there necks. I just say these days done waste your money and go buy a car elsewhere, no1 they dont trust you, they dont trust the mot station you have used its clearly handing out tickets for smarties, I dont deal with people like that, the AA guy has been almost instructed or assumed to go there to find faults if he doesnt he hasnt done his job.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    I would also allow the report to go ahead but stress whatever the diagnosis, the cost of said report is on the person instructing it and until a non-refunadble deposit is placed, the car remains ON SALE.
  11. 1 point
    Absolutely as above, agree to the report on the understanding that the car may sell in the meantime. You have nothing to lose from this point onwards.
  12. 1 point
    Of course it matters. If trivia like oil level matters then so does tax and / or insurance. We are in a service business where the silver is spent quickly but the great service they will remember. And talk about. If they are happy to pay my margin customers can certainly have a few more minutes of my time for their insurance.
  13. 1 point
    Does it matter though? Sorry to sound brutal but once my palm has been crossed with silver I could not give a toss what the customer does regarding insurance, tax etc. Tbh I get the impression half of the population doesn’t either, by the number of customers who drive off saying “I’ll sort it when I get home”
  14. 1 point
    More likely bumming the Choir Boys