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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Only one way Deon Buy it , SELL It end of , simples
  2. 2 points
    Sold many convertibles in winter especially the hard top one's , not as seasonal as it used to be in my experience ! Buy sell TODAY !
  3. 2 points
    wow Stocking for 6 month mmmm need to think burn rate " how many times can you turn 3k over in a year " , We Have sold 4 convertibles last week alone and another being picked up Sat this week , Burn rate on 3k in my books would be 8 times a year not once or twice
  4. 1 point
    I'm kinda with Nick on this one. Compare it to an Astra, Mazda 3, Focus, and, imo, they're the better car. Won't break down, better seat position, usually has had an easier more cared for life. Keep avoiding them tho lads, does the rest of us a favour!
  5. 1 point
    Tbh I do better with cabbies in the darker months. I think punters think they’re being overcharged in the summer months. PS Not that there’s a summer premium anyway! That’s just a Wheeler Dealer style myth.
  6. 1 point
    I used to know someone who did it who traded in the bexley area. He always made a tidy profit. I just don’t think it makes financial sense when you think how many cars you could turn over in that period.
  7. 1 point
    This off season buying only seems to work with 4x4s in the summer, but even that isn't what it used to be because large 4x4 are no longer popular and small SUVs have year round appeal from mums.
  8. 1 point
    Agree with everything on here, sold an A3 convertible last week for decent margin that I've had in for about 3 weeks, daily cost for me was £9, don't sit on stock, try and work out what you're daily cost to stock is, rent, rates, wages, depreciation, advertising, overheads etc spread out across all your stock and you'll soon understand the need to turn as quick as possible
  9. 1 point
    Have always done better with selling them out of season rather than in. People do think they’re cheaper- but they’re not. Certainly not here. ;o)
  10. 1 point
    Might be a bit cheaper, but how many chunks of 3k can you afford to have sitting around not earning just to make a few extra quid in spring? at the 3k range you should be aiming to stock turn 8-10 times a year. keeping a car for 4/5 months stops you selling two or three times in that time. And then of course theres the other issues, batteries go flat, needs another valet, MOT gets shorter etc. But convertibles do sell at this time of year if they are priced very right, if customers are thinking the same as you.
  11. 1 point
    There may be a better demand in the spring, however prices rarely rise over 6 months, they may maintain the value if bought right now. So yes fill your boots, but don't expect a lottery style income in the spring
  12. 1 point
    Hi, no. But to sell now, there’s no point sitting on stock for 6 months.
  13. 1 point
    Never, never, never do that again. It's asking for trouble. Especially when the numbers start adding up to more than 3.33 a month. "Yes, everything is MOSTLY OK but we have a squeak from the front wheels when we turn to full lock, what WILL you do about this..." WE ARE NOT NEW CAR DEALERS, WE DON'T HAVE THE MANUFACTURER'S BACK UP AND WE DON'T NEED TO DO WHAT NEW CAR DEALERS DO.