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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Wouldn't have revved my car to redline without leaving the door of the building very very quickly "preferably horizontal" . Don't let them remove caps , dip sticks or start cars when cold " period " Not qualified in my opinion " On test drive if they do anything remotely stupid I terminate the drive in an instant and drive back with them as a passenger . All about being in control . Take control from the start and they know their place .
  2. 1 point
    Got some of those here too £200 a month for £15,995 motor over 60 months , no deposit , gave guy the calculator and he hadn't a clue
  3. 1 point
    A lot of those headline deals at main dealers are on boggo models so then they get you in and for a grand down plus 25 a month more you get the SXI - S Line etc... it’s get you through the door stuff mainly. They can’t do simple maths. Want 5 year hp with £0 deposit and expect a car for less than the total purchase price before interest. that being said with nice stock you can offer attractive pcp deals to suit cars with strong residuals and market them strongly.
  4. 1 point
    Hi Dave, thanks for the 'Like' I think the market is still there ( he says having not sold a car for 16 days! ) i was just moaning as my partner is bored of looking at my sad face! it always comes good.... well it has done for the last 20 years! I think the Mini market is still busy, we're very selective about our stock but its all kind of come at once, a few cashback high value deals and then all our capital's tied up and someone unplugs the phone. could just do with a few ££ back in the bank and re assess. We're going to possibly extend our service department in the new year so will scale down the sales side ( possibly just specialise in JCW models ) and stock 6-7 examples of these and push the service side as we seem to do well out of this locally and without really forcing it. There's definitely room for improvement and definitely more margin in servicing
  5. 1 point
    I said "what are you hoping to find by smelling the coolant"?..."oil" he said.."but you would see that wouldn't you"...."not if it's semi synthetic" he said!!!! The fuckin idiot
  6. 1 point
    dont forget to pressure test it once all fitted
  7. 1 point
    Absolutely 100% , Couldn't agree more. Part of the reason I don't get many comebacks is because there is always something needs fetching from Inverness, (120 mile round trip from me), so apart from my PDI, 90% of my Cars do that trip before getting sold ..................... I always look at each Car with the question "Would I be happy for my Kids / GF to drive it from here to Kent and back ??" and if the answer is yes then it is ready for sale I don't sell the Volume some guys do, 6 a month, so it works for me, I know it's not practical for guys down south, jeez it would probably take you a week to drive just one Car 120 miles with all the traffic Fact is though, with my situation, a trip to IV, a trip to Kyle for MOT Test, and a run to the Take Away / Shops and they have all done around 200 miles before I sell 'em
  8. 1 point
    Been challenging every where, just the odd exception who did well. Like most quietest month but good profits that helped, what a difference 12 months makes - Last september / october best two months for about 3 years! Here's to a great November to everyone! Keep smiling and taking the tablets !
  9. 1 point
    F*** me, and still people are offering advice
  10. 1 point
    BCA and car dealers have a special deal with main dealers so if you buy it the warranty is extended to double the standard one, but it’s a big secret like being in the secret boys club with the funny handshake.... u need to go into main agents ask for service manager unbutton your shirt and squeeze your nipple while standing on one leg rubbing his face with other hand.... while chanting BCA BCA BCA...
  11. 1 point
    I'm having to diagnose from a distance. I'll check this out in the morning. Many thanks
  12. 1 point
    Where are you getting the pumps from? When we have had to put them on previously they have usually put EML on dash. Its not on for the air con or a bad coolant temp sensor is it? Thermostat?
  13. 1 point
    Your Dad was a clever man. My boat cost be about £10k a year to own (not including paying for it). Marina fees, annual maintenance, anti-fouling, repairs, fuel etc etc etc. I now charter a bare boat (wife, me and our dog - see avatar) and it costs us about £3k for a week including all moorings, food, drink, fuel, hire etc. We do it once a year as our main holiday and I don't worry about the boat/bills in between.