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  1. 3 points
    So local rag cocks up on price of a car that we advertised, should be £19995 and they put £1995, phone never stops and they were actually serious, one woman actually threatened me with trading standards if i didnt honour price!!! Then I had guy this week on a 2004 smart car wanted me to take it to Mercedes for inspection,,, i said no, so he arranges for RAC to come here and inspect it, nice RAC guy came but as he said the car is 14yr old and guy seems to be expecting the earth,,, he faults it on few bits,, so I have just got e mail off the "customer" who says "I will not be proceeding with the purchase of your smart car due to numerous faults (car was MOT,d Monday) I do obviously expect you to reimburse my £300 RAC inspection fee" FFS,,, then to cap it all guy just e-mailed me on 99 Bentley Arnage at £20k I am prepared to purchase your car subject to inspection I will want finance over 5 years with nil deposit,,,, how the fcuk does he expect to run a Bentley if he cant find a dipper.... RANT OVER ITS FRIDAY I AM GOING TO GET PISSED,,, HAPPY WEEKEND FOLKS.
  2. 1 point
    developing there’s where their is money, just sold 2 complete refurbs this year and enjoyed it. Far far easier than car game believe me
  3. 1 point
    Sounds like he doesn’t do it part time alongside another business to me if he’s limited check out his books, anything’s possible I know various car dealers that are sitting very pretty now
  4. 1 point
    Got to agree with epv I’ve tried part time and basically, it just doesn’t work have I made money probably lost 1/2k over a year learned a massive amount, thanks to mainly people on here but as it’s still part time either take plunge and do it full time or walk away i still haven’t decided what to do but think walking away will happen
  5. 1 point
    How dare you, I pay him £45 a day and only make him do 6.5 days a week
  6. 1 point
    Do you want to rent your unit out to me? I’m looking for a place exactly like you describe. In Kent. Preferably near Bromley. Or in it You could never run a pitch/unit of 12 cars part time. Never. Not on your own. It’s massively time consuming, some days you just end up doing what feels like fuck all. Today was a day like that for me, i’ve done a full day and felt like i’ve done fuck all. The reality is, I sold one, mopped another, photographed and videoed two, bought two online, but i’ve still got another 3 to photo and video, 2 of those will need a mop, I have two arriving early next week, it just goes on mate. I wouldn’t change it mind. Just saying this isn’t a business you can set up and run in the background. It’s not a string to a bow. It’s the bow, all the strings, all the arrows and anything you can hit with the arrows. You’re either conkers deep or you’re not. Thats not me being pessimistic, if I can do it anyone can. It’s me being honest.
  7. 1 point
    Welcome Leekent. In a country that has a huge skill shortage, I think I would be looking to rinse the electrical contractors side of things dry if it were me. There is more money to be made doing a rewire on a 3-bed semi than there is in selling 5 cars. (Nett of course) sorry for the negative reply.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    A recession can hit the new market hard and will be beneficial for the used car market, as long as you know what you are doing. People need their cars and when they can't buy new (if the banks don't play the PCP ball) they'll come straight to us. Be optimistic people!!! The new Klondike years are coming.
  10. 1 point
    +1 definitely, nowadays even MB are outsourcing to the Chiyaneeeeeseeeees You don't do many MB's then Mind, every controller I've had go down on an MB has usually been either water ingress, or some inept poking around with a power probe !!
  11. 1 point
    Me too. With my limited English years ago if I was asked to think of another expression to describe them I would use "Money pit"
  12. 1 point
    Also very true but if you have a black Nissan Juke Tekna with 50,000 miles on and there are 5 others in a 25 mile radius from you, surely every edge helps you win the punter? Like you, i’ve sold cars with very few photos. Not every car I have is that desirable sadly! If we could all buy cars we KNOW will sell in 15 days the job would be a lot easier!
  13. 1 point
    Ruined me, lost a few of my suppliers. Scrappage scheme took the bottom out of the shitters
  14. 1 point
    i avoid the customer test driving the car the very best i can, tell you this, they dont know the area, they dont know the car, they like to brake hard [ just testing brakes mate] they have no idea of the speed limits, my very best advice, over 25s only, even if your policy says over 21, always but always accompanied, be on your toes at all times, AND be aware of theft, if they do get to talk you into them driving, you drive first, you explain the controls, on swap over, you remove the keys, you hold open the drivers door so customer gets in, you then get in passenger side, and THEN you hand them the keys, one of the very best ways to avoid customer driving is not to go back to base on the same road, as in, go rouind in a circle, all left or right turns if you see what i mean, this way your back at base before customer realises, then you say "oh sorry, you wanted a drive didn't you ? i got a bit carried away talking to you, sorry" and i can guarantee 9 out of ten will say, thats okay, seems good anyway, as you've already demonstrated the car good to them, you've told them clutch is halfway, brakes are at top, you've demonstrated it doesn't "pull" either way. This way youve avoided any bumps, and youve avoided a stain on seat