Great introduction. Good luck to you.
Being part time is great for learning but you could never do this job part time long term. You can’t dip in and out, like you could with other jobs. I was part time for 5 months but luckily my old job was very relaxed and truthfully I was spending too much time learning the ropes and not enough time doing my day job.
Auctions happen when they happen, punters want to see a car when they want to see it, rain stops you photographing, mopping, smart repairing. It’s something you have to arrange your life around, at times.
Lots of people want their own business, why not, it’s rewarding. And why shouldn’t you have one, no one is stopping you.
As a doorstopper you HAVE to understand the importance of digital advertising, marketing, have an eye for detail, stand out, don’t be sloppy with presentation etc. Online buying is going nowhere, it’s a big part of the world and will only get bigger.
Good luck mate, trust me if I can do it you can. Learn fast work hard. You’ll be sweet.