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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I like how lawgistics are active on the forum and join in on discussions when needed. Making knowledgeable and 'meaningful' posts not just milking us for info four times a year with bloody 'surveys' Well done lawgistics
  2. 2 points
    We like these ones, for a laugh. When they start listing the faults, all we say is 'sounds like this ones kanckered, not the car for you' and start shutting it up and locking it. Get some shocked faces, and 'no, no we still want to buy it' 'No, you've just told me that its knackered. I'm a reputable motor trader and I don't sell knackered cars' and warmly thank them for finding all these faults that I wasn't aware of, despite our thorough pre sales checks.
  3. 1 point
    FYI http://www.lawgistics.co.uk/read-news/1312#sthash.hXCLp4G3.4nTHgfsU.dpbs
  4. 1 point
    These are my thoughts. Anyway, the OP is a big boy as he's eluded to, so good luck to you mate. The answer to your question is that the car is presumably in the trade. It can change hands a thousands times, no need to do anything on line. Make sure it all stacks up, make sure you have enough information that the car is legit etc and give him money, take the car and the entire V5 and get it prep'd and sold.
  5. 1 point
    take the money and move on your customer appreciates it isn't your fault you are getting original money back plus betterment i wouldn't push for more because frankly you wont get it mistakes happen
  6. 1 point
    You are entitled to a full refund and reasonable consequential losses. You might have to sue them, you need to balance up whether your loss is worthy of all the hassle. It’s a shite position to be in and I’ve never been in this situation but if I was me I think if the dealer didn’t compensate I’d be taking them to court....
  7. 1 point
    Updating DVLA online should negate mislaid post!
  8. 1 point
    It’s his responsibility to cancel the direct debit. Tell him politely it’s his responsibility to manage his own banking affairs and ask how you are supposed to control direct debits that leave his personal bank account each month? Then state you will not be entering into any further discussions on this matter. Oh, and start transferring ownerships of cars online.
  9. 1 point
    Thanks Dave, Met, that sounds about right! :-(
  10. 1 point
    This is all very helpful,but in my experience ( it’s not like Judge Rinder) when you are in a small claims court defending yourself and you have some disgruntled Judge they may not be so reasonable towards a car dealer whatever defence you have.These people (lawyers and barristers )acting as Judges know you will not appeal......please tell me I am wrong.
  11. 1 point
    I have 2 kids, and to be fair it costs me £60 everytime i leave the front door in the school holidays lol
  12. 1 point
    /\ /\ /\ LOL, you old Spin Doctor you That's the kinda shit I'd throw at them if questioned, thankfully all I have to do is have the odd Quad Bike, Strimmer, Mower, and Outboard (fishing), etc sitting around, of which I personally have a few stored at the back of my Workshop, then I can chuck the "Agricultural Crofter" card at them Luckily, since up here, I've never needed to
  13. 1 point
    Exactly that, usual price depending on model averages around £25 squid Most MB have the Mirror Cover spring clips in different places, model series to model series. Until you get used to them Google / You Tube is your friend And remember, on MB Mirrors always use the motors to move stuff, don't force things or you will FUBAR the Mirror I usually remove the Mirror Glass first, again Google where the metal Clip is, it just saves that pop, smash, oh bollocks moment and makes it easier to slide the cover off and on HTH Oh and don't buy the 7.50 ebay chinese ones unless you want a load of random error reports on the Dash Cluster from DCM
  14. 1 point
    +1. I don’t ‘do’ finance but this year you can really tell people are struggling with their finances and punters turn up looking at cars unable to even leave a £200 deposit. Basically many haven’t got a pot to piss in & the number of people relying upon other family members to pay them on has definitely increased AND IT’S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE OVER THE NEXT FEW YEARS. As a generalisation, living costs have increased but wages haven’t and if anyone has changed jobs they invariably get paid less. Tbh it’s no wonder many people give self-employment a go. However let us remember people need to cut their cloth to suit. Also, if many had lived within their means in the past, rather than get loaded with credit everywhere, then they’d possible be in a better boat now.
  15. 1 point
    Nisan cashcow
  16. 1 point
    Great mixture of replies here for the OP. Fantastic free advice that plenty on here have paid tens of thousands to find out. What a forum this is.