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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    There’s also ways of asking for help. Stating you know fuck all about the industry and then stating you wish to be enlightened with what is the collective minds of dozens of successful and seasoned dealers, all for free of course, isn’t the way. A simple, “hello i’m Bert, i’ve read the last 6 pages of this forums threads from cover to cover and i’ve learned a lot already, looking forward to learning more and helping where I can” would probably endear you a little bit more than “tell me everything you know” and then crying like a child when someone says hurty words to you, won’t endear you.
  2. 1 point
    Fuck you he’s mine
  3. 1 point
    bad shit could of sold it too, so maybe, just maybe it best happened here rather than in a customers garage
  4. 1 point
    Welcome OYM, fantastic introduction Cheers Simon Buy the right stock at the right price, add value, keep costs down, do the job right and you’ll succeed
  5. 1 point
    in my defense i am snowed under with work so havent been on here for a while, it sucks this work stuff. But yes i would have loved to have a flutter over a flat white over this one,
  6. 1 point
    When I had the Transmission firm, all the Car Sales customers would ask us not to paint the unit we were fitting, and they would not advertise the Car with "Rebuilt Auto Gearbox". We would give them "Trade Discount" but only had to guarantee it until it was sold, then it was down to "Warranty Company" Some times we got paid twice for the same Cars Auto Box within a Year
  7. 1 point
    As a BCA inspector I just wondered which labrador you have, is it black or golden?
  8. 1 point
    Another newbie with attitude. Good luck.
  9. 1 point
    Ha - love it. True. Quote of the week mate. ;0) Hands up who's also out already? (Benji saga still makes me laugh from time to time & can't put myself through it again). Yeah- Not even time for Justin to get a coffee bet in!
  10. 1 point
    Well that escalated quickly.....
  11. 1 point
    Do you think Plan A) taking on the commitment of a stock funding platform, buying a load of stock with no clue on what actually sells or not and going balls deep taking a big risk without actually knowing how to operate at the front end of a car sales business Or Plan B ) Buying a few cars with your own money, trying it with 2 or 3 and then after a few months/ a year etc if it works look to pursue plan A without having put it all on the line
  12. 1 point
    Yes he was. My thought process entirely. He was also a sensitive flower when the nasty Internet man gave him a dose of straight talking instead of a cuddle.
  13. 1 point
    As above- but if you want some free non-confrontational advice- I'd say just start small and play with a bit of your own money first and see how you get on. It's a minefield this game and I wouldn't recommend that anyone gets into it nowadays AT ALL. It's much more hassle/complication than some think. Getting the stock, preparing it, selling it etc is all very difficult and that's without the sales process, punters, recon, costs, VAT, CRA etc. Good luck though and there's loads of similar threads on here that I'd suggest you spend a day or so reading. All very helpful and it saves you and Mrs. Maybe or whatever he's calling himself today falling out ;0) However he's maybe a bit 'fruity' for some but speaks the truth. (wasn't our Benji an BCA tester?)
  14. 1 point
    I'd have thought your trade insurance will simply pay you out a trade value & hopefully you took it in at a sensible price. Maybe me, but I'd be pragmatic, claim and move on. If you were a punter buying the german junk and it caught fire, you might be able to jump on some legal action- I dunno, but I'd hope any customer of mine would simply claim on their insurance too, but this would more than likely be a headache I'd wager if they wanted to cause you one. However, this is a good opportunity for us all to remember to check for and get any recalls done before sale. Bad luck though mate. Feel for you.
  15. 1 point
    I have put the odd recon engine in and not mentioned it. Your just opening a can of worms
  16. 1 point
    is that blueprinted? of course you tuffrided the crank did you uprate the oil pump too???????? see a cardigan for everything
  17. 1 point
    It appears that just over half the country have no idea how business works or what a supply chain is?