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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    But still got 120 views in a day? My very desirable fast sellers get 40-50. Your target customer is a Polish or Romanian national in his late 20s early 30s and unfortunately right now they have already made their annual pilgrimage back to the homeland (they look at your ad on their mobiles right now). When they return at the end of the month they will resume their search for a cheap prestige mile munching chariot to use on the next year's journey and your desirability will shoot right up :-) Fingers Crossed.
  2. 1 point
    This is so true and why I left the robbers. The world didn’t end and not paying them three /four grand a month is the best thing I ever did. Sure, it can be a bit quieter, but, like you say, it’s the quiet months when it used to really hurt when you've got 40-60 in stock and no sensible ‘bulk buy’ discount with them. (and I hate the cluttered heavily sponsored website) Now I’m guilty of ‘smug-face’ on quiet months And as for the ‘tools’ well I’m sorry but stuff and nonsense -their free punter pricing tool is fine-and the only tool was me for using them for so long
  3. 1 point
    The first; There are 2 examples of that exact make model derivative nationally, on a 59 and 10 plate (I always search one plate newer especially on low mileage stuff) and you are number 1 from 3 in terms of value for money. Rono Prestige has had his Teal blue one in for 72 days and has just reduced it in price by £500 today. If you expand this search to similar derivatives (this now includes the SE spec) then the results are the same. It's clear you are in pole position for anyone wanting that make/model/derivative around that mileage with that sort of budget. Rono Prestige have overpriced theirs possibly, especially given the hideous colour. The second; Because of the low mileage, I capped the search on this at 25,000 miles, just above yours. Nationally, there are 17 of these examples, 64 or 15 plate, up to 25,000 miles. Within a 50 mile radius, there are 9 examples. You are 8/9 in terms of value for money, with your other I3 coming in at number 7/9 in terms of value for money. Frosts of Brighton are at the bottom however they are seemingly overpriced and it shows by virtue of the fact they have had their white one in for 287 days, making 2 price cuts in that time, the latest on the 12th July. Of those 6 dealers that are above you and Frosts, they have held these vehicles for 127 days, 68 days, 15 days, 11 days, 11 days, 35 days. I look at that make/model/derivative as something of a competitive department and quite a few of them within your area. If it were me, I wouldn't see there to be a shortfall in that area. That said, there are a good number of low days held in that, 15, 11, 11 and even 35 days. So perhaps these cars do turn quickly but there is definitely plenty of choice around a 50 mile radius of you.
  4. 1 point
    These tools don't have value to me. You can see how long a car has been in stock for on autotrader in the URL. As for all the other bits and pieces, thats one of the main reasons I left. I don't need some knob from a Manchester call centre calling me up and telling what I'm doing wrong, just so they can sell me the latest and greatest package that they have devised. When I left I was fully expecting to be calling back with my tail between my legs..... And who knows, maybe I will have to. But it certainly won't be this month. You don't know until you try.
  5. 1 point
    I am now going into my third month of No Autotrader. June and July have been my best months, August has started well. I am based on an industrial estate so have no passing trade. I sell cars from £2,000 - £40,000. I also get people saying they have seen my cars on autotrader. Each to there own, but I refuse to pay the prices they charge. To think that most people just search on 1 platform is naive. Sure some do, but most people will search a few places.
  6. 1 point
    I only ever buy them in black and they have to be under £3k retail then they fly out like rockets and come back almost as fast
  7. 1 point
    13 (11+2) on Autotrader £1370 up to 25 on eBaymotorspro £210 up to 20 on Motors.co.uk £97 I always have 14-15 in stock of which a couple are always in prep 9-12 sales per month
  8. 1 point
    5k a month here...... 50 cars on average in stock.
  9. 1 point
    18 months ago silver was still well on the boil its now basically unsellable unless you do a bhm and stick a dog turd on the roof to increase its all round council ghetto desirability with the drill down innit oh and dont buy red corsa either as they are even worse basically dont buy corsa
  10. 1 point
    Persuasive bunch. I’ll bump it to £4295 when I have it back from the garage (service and MOT) and I have the proper photos and video done.
  11. 1 point
    agree its a nice car you will never replace and if you are right with the road tax too then pull every penny you can you can always go cheaper when punter there ,but you cant go up lets go for £4295
  12. 1 point
    Why? It came to you at the right money, you can't go and buy another at the same money and the other two dealers may have examples that are inferior to yours. £500 extra on this margin is a huge percentage and worth aiming for. If you said you'd had 6 views on it I'd say: get rid of it quick. There is nothing more rewarding than selling for more than the immediate competition :-)
  13. 1 point
    I sold a few ultra low mileage school mini busses to this guy in Africa, I seem to remember it was from Tanzania. He paid upfront and sent a guy over here to drive them back...
  14. 1 point
    Big up the Barnstaple massive !!!
  15. 1 point
    (Chuckle Brother's reference) My best mate lives in Bishop's Nympton. Does South Moulton get included in the Barnstable Massive?
  16. 1 point
    Jay, youre an newbie asking for advice. I think you are correct, you do need to take it on the chin, and a bit of your time will be wasted. But if you want to get more advice, dont mock the professionalism of the traders on here.
  17. 1 point
    Nice to hear from you Screenman Just as the country was pulling up its trousers following the crash and building confidence.. Brexit = years of instability, no confidence, uncertanty. The worst possibly outcome for business.
  18. 1 point
    Gee thanks Dad. How was I being impolite? I wasn’t swearing at you was I? How do you normally react when people conversing with you swear, not at YOU but generally? Do you tell them off too? I’m a grown man. I’ll swear whenever the fuck I like.