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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Right, glad the thread title got your attention and reading this. Had a customer today who's been an awkward one for a week or so, wants this bumper mark done, wants the other bumper painted due to a stress crack the size of a strand of hair etc. Anyway, picks up on the point that the corner of the bumper where it meets the rear 1/4 is protruding on the drivers side ever so slightly (bmw 5 series, Ford Fiesta and Mondeo anyone?), now this car has done 99k and is 8 years old and between his constant picking he's really been getting on my wick. No matter how many times ive told him i cant make it brand new and that wear and tear is to be expected etc he just keeps on and on............ This led me to think about creating an Acronym for buyers like this and it didn't take me long to come up with one......... GABANO...... "Go And Buy A New One" ...... Next time you have got these types of customers please feel free to say the word amongst your staff /colleagues, say it loud and clear as the customer won't even know what you're on about.........Walk around the office and say out loud and proud....... GABANO! Glad i got that off my chest, if you are still here reading this bottom bit then thank god you didn't lose interest! GABANO! Oh and for those of you that are wondering if we managed to get it ever so slightly more in line then the answer is yes........ Amazing job these sliding hammers can do, we just pulled his back 1/4 out to suit!
  2. 1 point
    If you thought they was a problem before they bought it you should have f****d them off pal. Have confidence in what you sell and try hard not to sell to imbeciles. Not worth the pain.
  3. 1 point
    Hahaha, I already have a name for them: Timewasting c***s. I must confess by the time I’d read the first third I thought “Why the f*** is he putting up with such a pillock?” Some of you lads must have the patience of a saint - I tell them straight & chase off these Champagne taste, lemonade money idiots. Here are a few phrases “It’s not a new car” “The XXXX main dealer is located at X, you’ll find brand new cars there but at brand new prices” ”This car costs £xxxx, brand new today this is £xxxxx, so it’s xx% of a new car” AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE; ”You need to increase your budget or lower your expectations”
  4. 1 point
    I was thinking the bags would be for the wife..... hehe Just turn the light off and imagine that sky weather girl Naz......
  5. 1 point
    Thanks Simon & BHM... Lets see if I can get the deal done..
  6. 1 point
    Seems like a lucky escape then, sold the van this morning on a 'snooze you lose' basis...
  7. 1 point
    not pikeys just nosey fellas, sometimes we do get oh im a friend of the person whos bought it just was asked to have a look at it...... but no these guys literally wanted to piss about wasting time
  8. 1 point
    Some stock attracts it more than others. Sub prime pays nothing but they have no money so thats when you get the complaints. Comes in waves. You will learn ways to push for it. Most people are funding a purchase you can sell benefits sometimes and beat the rate if they are getting a loan a lot of the time especially when the mum and dad have convinced a 20 something a loan is cheaper than finance and you find out hsbc are lending them at 14% apr not hard to go in at 12.9% to win the deal.
  9. 1 point
    Hi PSJ Just looked on your website.You appear to have a nice operation with nice stock.Try and steer clear of sub prime lenders,it just attracts grief.Looking at your stock,I would say in the first year you would do £250-£300k prime finance.(1 or 2 per week )Then when you establish which is the best stock for finance,you will do more.....Good Luck.
  10. 1 point
    There isn’t a single person on the planet that would be able to answer that mate.
  11. 1 point
    As soon as I see 1.0 ECO BOOST - I'm out.......
  12. 1 point
    Put all the cars in the sold section and say, they have only left a deposit, if you can better their offer...................it's yours
  13. 1 point
    maybe this time andymc1973 might thank you guys for going to the trouble of how to usually fix this
  14. 1 point
    I drive a 6 series and its i-drive (same system i think?) goes really lazy every now and again and eventually stops working. Remove all CD's, DVD discs etc from and then remove battery, then do as suggested above, test and fully charge. Refit battery and off you go. I've been told not to leave the DVD sat nav disc in the unit unless I'm using the sat nav and also make sure they keys are a long way away from the vehicle when not in use.....apparently they have a get ready mode or something when they can still detect the keys and they never shut down 100%............sounded a load of hear say advice but a few months on and mines behaving perfectly.