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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    You guys put me to shame. From recent memory i've had an 'Inbetweeners' Fiat, 15 year old Clio, rotten Ka and a beautiful but very very flawed proper Saab 900. If I have to go anywhere long distance it's the train and most holidays i'll just hire something. Much rather stick my disposable into a nice city break somewhere or interesting holiday destination. Didn't get into the game for the cars and living on the congested, pot holed south coast there's little enjoyment to be had in driving. Modern stuffs just not special enough IMO. Compare a 3* hotel to a 5*+ and there is a world of difference...maybe i'm just a holidays kinda guy. (Love the idea of a pagoda Merc, Jensen CV8 or 70's 911 in that nasty green just so you know i'm not totally anti car).
  2. 2 points
    Funnily enough I’ve had all my enthusiasm for cars knocked out of me by this industry. Or more accurately, by my dealing with the general public
  3. 2 points
    Agree completely. In fact being an enthusiast often works against you
  4. 2 points
    I have had several pitches and what I have learnt is that everyone was different.You can not replicate what sells well for you by moving elsewhere.You have to try different stuff and find out.Like BHM,I think seven seaters are good news and attract good punters who often travel to buy them.But you need good road links,if you operate in the south east you may struggle.You have to find your niche,I know one guy who just does Insignias because they are cheap as chips.One of the most successfull traders I know sells ex Police dog vans in a big way,we tried it and it didn’t work for us......At the end of the day,it is not the stuff you like,it is what the punters want that counts......Successfull car dealers are not car enthusiasts !
  5. 1 point
    Don’t worry, she’ll of forgotten about the discount as soon as she drove off your forecourt!
  6. 1 point
    How much bumpy ground is she covering ? Its cheap french crap, what does she expect a quality vehicle ?...................
  7. 1 point
    WBAC is a huge success for them.BCA last results stated they had sold 300,000 WBAC and made a lot of money.They report again in June and they are already saying profits are ahead of expectations.They are also replicating WBAC on the continent,it will be interesting to see their results this time.
  8. 1 point
    I loved cars, until I did this job. Now, my enthusiasm for them has left me to such an extent, I drive a diesel Insignia....
  9. 1 point
    And prime slots. However,it is possible that the auctions could be paying the big vendors fees to get the business.
  10. 1 point
    This. It'll all be online only. Can't see the need for a 'certificate' now tbh.
  11. 1 point
    I’m sure you chaps have all been here before to some degree. All of a sudden for no reason you’ll sell 6 in a week and start to panic about not having enough stock!
  12. 1 point
    I sometimes do a few but they need to be ‘looked after’, NOT 10 owner dross or you’ll be asking for trouble. Basically it depends what it is. Forget small cars or Insignia/Mondeo rubbish - you can barely raffle them off to the greediest of scum with those miles. However, if it’s something like an S-Max/Galaxy (probably half price) or a 4x4 then they’ll look so cheap that they’ll sell fast(ish). Funnily enough, last Xmas I bought a 163K 07 new shape CRV on DA for about £1600. A morning’s travel, the car was on the internet that afternoon at £2999 & the phone almost set on fire. Basically big 7 seaters, vans or 4x4s in my experience. Forget anything else.
  13. 1 point
    I seem to get emails most weekends on my personal ebay account with ridiculous cheap selling fees
  14. 1 point
    I wonder how long before they don't even bother giving you a 'print out' of the MOT certificate?
  15. 1 point
    Ok will do. I bought a golf plus tdi yesterday wheels not looking there best so will be collecting Tuesday and will show you how we do it. (Tempting fate now watch them all react)