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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I forgot to mention its hard enough to keep the auctioneer from running you up when your standing in front of him, god only knows how many bids they bounce of the wall when your on line.
  2. 1 point
    Thanks for taking the time to write all that James (EPV). I was planning for a proper trade sale, i.e. proof of trading and whilst I know that any serious dealer isn't going to bite, there are plenty of small non-VAT registered independent traders whom perform their own rework and for a hundred pounds of materials will have this looking shipshape, leaving a very decent margin for someone with much lower overheads than the majority of us. In my limited drive of 20 miles, the car didn't overheat, selected all gears perfectly, started on the button, there's no contamination in the oil, service history is all present and stamped has one former keeper and respectable mileage. It was a London City Centre car for the last 4 years, which explains the minor dinks and the rear quarter is extremely passable, many wouldn't even notice. I shall take a proper assessment in the morning. Incidentally, Ebay covers trade and consumer sales - surely, if the description is accurate and clearly has this Buyer Beware format no one in their right mind could argue I have misrepresented anything here. Maybe I'm wrong and I do apprecaite your concern and I have listened to what you are saying. PS: you don't need to keep saying you've only been doing this for 4 months, your input is valuable as far as I'm concerned. We are a group of people all (hopefully) looking out for one another and offering advice, which is the very reason I joined this site.
  3. 1 point
    Doenst matter what you put on the receipt / invoice you cannot legally get a consumer to sign away their rights and I think trying to is an offence. So definitely be careful here.
  4. 1 point
    If it needs 500 paint prep then the vat mans bit and advertising fees etc there’s not much left for a trader? Just my penneth worth but I’m defiantly still learning and new Looks nice got to be worth retailing
  5. 1 point
    No just starting so not yet think the jags going to make up for it tho lol Or I mean I’m an extremely competent buyer and only buy the best haha
  6. 1 point
    WMS / Safe & Sound are OK. However, I think it depends on which Area Manager you get. I've known ours - Pete Jacob for many years and he's great.
  7. 1 point
    Sorry i’ve just realised I put warranty wise when I meant warranty assist. Warranty assist have a portal that allow you to get quotes. It asks you when the car was last serviced and MOT’d, before it spits out a quote. I cant speak for warranty wise. Sorry for the confusion.
  8. 1 point
    Dan appears to have gone to ground......our advice may not be what he was expecting.....he probably thinks we are like the crimplene guys at the main dealers !
  9. 1 point
    I’m a homer too. I deliberately want to set the tone of professionalism and grandeur before someone arrives to see the car. The first thing I do is explain that I do not have a forecourt via choice, as car sales is an internet business and also they are expensive! But that doesn’t make me any less of a dealer, I still offer part ex, warranties, finance etc and I carry all the correct insurances. But, you didn’t come here to talk about me, you came here to see this xyz.... No one cares about you being a home dealer. They care about the car.
  10. 1 point
    customer..........there's a cheaper one down the road £300 less me.......why don't you buy it then? customer........they've already sold it me........well when i haven't got one i give mine away free
  11. 1 point
    I have a different problem as we aim for first time drivers you know C1 clio fiesta punto low insurance cheap to fix kinda kit, well we got a lot of parents turn up who want to test drive the car to make sure its safe and sound for there young ones / brats, i dont blame then one bit i am sure i will do the same, the problem i get is when some 50+ year old pulls up in his brand new 5 series BMW and test drives a Toyota Aygo he gets out all shaken up complains the brakes are poor the car rattles and shakes and its very slow. I dont even try and defend the car any more i have have given up its a £2500 Toyota not a £65000 BMW you space cadet rant over they all drive like a wheel barrow.
  12. 1 point
    exactly - auctioneer must have said for the first time,for the second time.....anyone, anyone Bueller, Bueller, Bueller, anyone, third and last time, anyone, anyone Beuller - NOT SOLD
  13. 1 point
    i have never and will never turn my back on profit ive had the dirty tricks played on me in my time but i always get even if its was only trotting a car up i wasnt really interested in then dropping out at the very last second im not spending hours in a hole to not buy what im waiting for they can all do one