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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    14 retail cars so far, bought loads doing alright, knackered though.
  3. 1 point
    To be Fair he sounds like a tosser and its not even my customer. Great when it turns on the customer and its their fault, I had one the other week ringing up moaning that the bluetooth did not work in his insignia so couldn't use his phone, So he popped down with the car and showed me the problem he thought was with the car, turns out the shit brick of a phone was that old it didn't have bluetooth on it. Muppets
  4. 1 point
    Exactly the same issue, in fact were off to Mexico next May as well. I normally only take a week off at a time, normally 1st week of the month so at least I have 3 weeks to salvage something when I get back. But our niece is getting married in Mexico so Ive been pushed into going. Its a long way to go for a week so 2 weeks it is. My plan is to leave half a dozen cars at a few mates pitches when I'm away so hopefully some profit will be generated. I agree with everyone else whats the point of grafting your buns off 7 days a week if you can't enjoy yourself.
  5. 1 point
    The way I see it, the only thing you leave this earth with will be memories (possibly debt) get it booked
  6. 1 point
    Totally Agree with Rory each for there, there is no right or wrong what ever works for you. Seen a lot of friends pass away the last few years with cancer ect no way am i going to work myself into the ground.
  7. 1 point
    When i first started few years ago i had a small pitch i used to shut the doors and go away. The same shit will be here when your back so why worry about it. You need some time off do not marry the job. kind regards Dan
  8. 1 point
    Five holidays a year for me, why else would i put all these hours in if not to enjoy them, I think if my business is that fragile that a week away will make it crash and burn then i would be looking at doing something else.
  9. 1 point
    If they can't even afford to put fuel in it what do you think your chances are of getting any money back off them?
  10. 1 point
    One man band 20 years last week ! To be fair last 3 years not had a holiday - various reasons BUT in my early days closed - divert phone to an agency and didn't really care if I lost business as that's how you have to be or you burn yourself out. Now I have a friend , not experienced at all in car sales but helps me out , he can deal with customers he will sell under instructions , can't value cars but holds the fort , mans the phones , keep an eye on the place and takes messages , if he sells while I'm away its a bonus ! ( If genuine buyers they will leave a deposit and come back if explained to them !) Matt - Pack your bags and enjoy some 'quality' time with the misses !
  11. 1 point
    Shut the door and enjoy yourself. The tyre kicking time waster will still be there when you get home. And at least you will have a decent tan.