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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/16 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    It's seems a theme on here that dealer don't like roadside traders and how they try and get out of there responsibilities if a fault occurs with a car. Then we have a dealer wanting / expecting a customer to wait for two day for a fault to be looked at on a car he purchased that day. Then it's seems like the dealer wants the customer to foot the bill for using decent parts instead of cheap parts. Lets be fair, how do we think this customer is feeling at the moment about his new car and the 'experience' of buying it?? My advice is pay the bill and keep the customer happy, forget £13.99 coil packs and put it down to experience. If he had had the car 20 days it's different story. Once he had phoned maybe the best course of action would be to get the car back, lend him a car, sort the problem and take the car back to him. That way you are in control of the problem. None of us like spending money but faults occur on cars, sometimes it will happen on the day of purchase. Moaning about the less desirable elements of the motor trade and then acting like one doesn't help anyone
  2. 3 points
    Is there any explanation as to why at this time of year the interior of a car can appear to be dry and yet as soon as you pull a seat belt down it looks like stilton ? P.S I'm VAT registered, have my own premises and don't have any other part time career
  3. 3 points
    Absolutely. Treat people how you would expect to be treated yourself. If I was said customer I'd think an offer of £42 was a **** take and wouldn't give me much confidence for further down the line.
  4. 2 points
    A car doesn't have to have a leak to have mould this time of year just the general dampness of winter! Mould grows where bacteria is, usually seat belts, steering wheel and seats. Open the boot and let them breathe as opening boots sells cars.
  5. 2 points
    Which warranty company is going to pay for repairs on the day of purchase?
  6. 1 point
    Anti bacterial wipes do the job! Pop to your local supermarket, give them a good rub over and you shouldn't have any more problem (or minimise it at least) i am am also vat reg'd, have a 40 car forecourt & seem to fund all but myself! :-(
  7. 1 point
    And the special, mould-eating bunting... ...don't forget the bunting.
  8. 1 point
    Hang on...... got a £6k car here..... let me just put the price up to £8750....... OK...... give us his number, I'll be amazing and give him £250 back. You wanna buy his swapper?
  9. 1 point
    My bad, I knew there was more to balloons than just selling cars. Thanks.
  10. 1 point
    Also, attach balloons to the wing mirrors. The helium absorbs the excess moisture and carries it away.
  11. 1 point
    29", nothing in my wallet as I pay VAT.
  12. 1 point
    dont reweddings rarely work sell it to a new punter if you can
  13. 1 point
    We have reduced our Autotrader bill to the bear minimum now as we are seeing a poor response and our bill is huge for the amount of cars we have. Sometimes we pay them more than we pay ourselves. We were on Motors for 6 months and no enquires, not a sausage . I also know Umesh at specialist cars has just come off Motors for the same reason. All is not doom and gloom though! We have sold cars from Facebook before but with no advertising and I think we got lucky. After hearing Jim Reid's Podcast on Facebook I realised this is the place to focus on.. So the last week we have done just that advertised 3 cars for £20 each and guess what, we have sold 2 cars with finance! More than we have sold off Autotrader in a week! This is the way forward for sure! You can target the market and people you want to see your post... Don't get me wrong it can be tricky and you get many enquires that are weak but eventually you will succeed with persistence. It has been a steep learning curve and without the help of Jim Reid I don't think we would see the response we have had so far. If anyone wants any help please feel free to call us, Jim Reid is by far the expert but he has given us some amazing pointers. Jim Reid On Facebook and selling cars through Facebook £173k additional NET profit made from Facebook in one year £1600 spent A must listen for all dealers! This could be the future ;-)
  14. 1 point
    I am open 7 days a week. I open 08:30 til 7pm monday to Friday, 9-6 Saturday and 10-4 Sunday. I regularly stay late to do deals or have customers pick up cars. I personally work 7 days total last year in 12 months I had 14 days off. I easy do 100 hours a week and have personally experienced great growth through my own hard work and dedication. If you want to play at it and juggle the 9-5 with selling a few cars you are no threat to me. I am open when you are working at your day job. Part timer with no/little reviews or online presence is not working hard to maintain the reputation and feedback we/us have gained. I tell you what really gets me annoyed and it really boils my P!55...Its the faces that are at the auctions running businesses with premises and 10+ cars in stock at any time easily operating beyond the vat threshold who are NOT vat registered. They are direct competition to any of us 'proper/fulltime/legit traders'. They hurt us. And also these are the ones who don't give a hoot about warranty and obligations.