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  2. Hi how’s everyone doing? Specially in the north west? Anyone selling much stock? We’ve been dead just tyre kickers popping out of the woodworks.
  3. So praised by the judge who rejected the claim as it was established buyers remorse because a relative had supplied another car ,yet it still costs you £550 when it was sold for £1850.! That’s par for the course in the Small Claims Court for car dealers.The message is……don’t sell cheapies to punters under 60 or better still ,don’t bother at all.
  4. Sorry to hear mate
  5. Update on above case. We did go to court and judge declared this was more a case of buyer regret as customer had bought a car from her relative and just thought she could return car to us. She did describe me as ‘very honest and trustworthy’ and rejected the claim. However she did award customer £400 compensation for the length of repair time along with court costs so although we won the case we still feel we lost as it cost us £555?? Seems you can’t win no matter what you do.
  6. Rates are not likely to come down. They do £600m t/o and net £350m profit without employing many people. How good is that.The thing is that it doesn’t work as well as the original Autotrader mag which came out on a Thursday was also expensive but had paid for itself by Friday morning ! Your options are,don’t advertise all of your stock,buy £20k worth of AT shares as hedge against future increases,only advertise and show one model of vehicle with a choice of more in stock etc.Anyone else got any better ideas. It could be worse,in the US they might threaten to cancel your account if you advertised on another platform !
  7. the greedy people at autotrader are increasing the price yet again from an already overpriced platform, they have a complete monopoly so they can charge whatever they like, just another example of corporate greed
  8. Hi You will need the 11 digit ref number on the green new keepers slip to tax the car again. The green slip you have her is the one. Make sure you take that off her when she gives you the car back. Don’t put anything into her name mate. You’ll just have to get the v5/green slip off her. cross her name out on the v5 with acid/make up remover and just sell it to someone else mate. A little bit of Acetone normally does the trick to rub details off very carefully mate. I’ve had a couple of these idiot customers too unfortunately.
  9. Just had a customer wanting to hand a car back after 1 week of ownership. My question is this? DVLA have not been informed of new keeper change which is at present 1 owner. It was taxed by direct debit and customer has advised she is cancelling direct debit once it is returned. Once I put it back up for sale and resell how do I re-tax to new keeper ? Trying to avoid putting it into the cancelled customers name as 1) her name will be on the V5 2) And if I did I'm not sure I will ever see it again once its posted out to her by DVLA as she's a bit of a shouter. Any advice please.
  10. I thought I could value stuff,but not any more.I saw this elongated Mini Countryman with big alloys today.24 plate EV .An elderly lady got out and I was thinking who has stitched her up with that ,it must be about 35 grand.It turns out they are 58 grand ! The job has gone mad.No wonder Peter Vardy from the motor trade dynasty is jacking it in.,how many will follow ……All the best.
  11. Personally I use
  12. I would be emailing the manager for an explanation,give him a headache.Surely Storage fees were invalid anyway when the Met Office was issuing severe storm warnings to travellers from the middle of last week.It is very unfair that a substantial account holder could now be billed by their transport company for an aborted collection caused by BCA ‘s mistrust that you will pay them £12.Major problems I usually accepted but stuff like this really got me annoyed.
  13. its impossible to get through to the manager at Edinburgh, they really don't want to know, we've just added up all the BCA purchases we have done in the last 12 months and it comes to about £500,000 yet they wouldn't release the vehicle over a lousy £12 until it had completely cleared their online payment system
  14. That’s really bad,surely your BCA credit facility is more than £12 ! I would be speaking to the auction manager . They used to nice people at Ingleston.
  15. just another update, BCA finally put it back through the online auction, but disappointingly they still didn't declare the V5 and actual model details had a discrepancy and the vehicle subsequently went 2k over CAP, whereas if BCA had been honest and open in their description it would have barely achieved CAP
  16. yes, BCA are definitely getting worse in all areas
  17. we have a vehicle for collection at BCA Edinburg, we were originally going to collect it on Friday, however due to storm Bert and heavy snow in Scotland we put off collection until Monday (today) however when the pre-arranged transporter arrived at BCA Edinburgh, they would not release the vehicle until a 1 day (£12) storage charge had been paid, by the time i frantically paid it via bca's online portal the transport driver had left the site, due to having other dropoffs and pickups to do, i really think BCA and in particular BCA Edinburgh are incredibly penny pinching and with an uncaring attitude, they could not care less about 'weather excuses' as they put it, (storm Bert ranks as one of the worst storms in years!) now i have to re-arrange the transport collection, with more subsequent storage fees being incurred.
  18. Surely no one relies on guides anymore when you have various on line retail platforms to compare.There are of course conspiracy theories why Cap values are generally well below the market.As for Glass’s,in the distant past it was usually only the franchised dealers who subscribed annually and we like many others would just give a salesman about £2 for the previous month’s issue and work off that.
  19. Used to be Glass’s guide in pocket,not now I know. What’s best place now for values?
  20. My understanding is that if you are moving the car on the the road with no tax - you need to display trade plates (whether its in the Trade or not) as you say ... if car is pre-booked for an MOT they aren't needed as this is a specific exemption....
  21. The bottom line is that Judges do not like car dealers.The Judge is unlikely to know that an ABS sensor is not a big deal.I have unsuccessfully defended 3 cases brought by punters in the Small Claims Court where I thought there was no way I would lose.On the other hand I have won cases against an architect,a builder,a clothing wholesaler and the best one BCA.I think you will need to be able to prove that you offered a free repair and that they refused.Also it is important to make sure they have correctly followed procedure prior to issuing their claim.Was it sold with a new MOT,did you get a PDI sheet signed on handover,did you note the mileage when you had it back.How did you word your signed sales invoice . It is very unfair but selling cheapies these days is very risky and you might have to take your medicine on this one if you haven’t got a good defence which the Judge understands.
  22. Hi mate I don’t know what’s going on here. A lot people who can offer advise don’t seem to reply. I’ve had similar issues to yourself in the past unfortunately and will probably have more in the future. you’d rather refund them money and keep some money for the time they’ve used the car i.e mileage used and their name that’s been added onto the log book etc. I do feel for you mate. Some people just take the piss unfortunately. I bet she’s added a few thousand miles to the car, drove it up and down the country and now just wants her money back thinking her dad is going to cover your losses!!!
  23. I know all about the restrictions of driving with trade plates. My understanding was that trade plates are used to "cover" the fact a car isn't taxed on the road. BUT are they also required when a car is "in the trade" ie it doesn't have a registered keeper? For example, if I wanted to drive an "in the trade" car to/from an MoT, do I need them, since I don't need tax because there is a specific exemption there. TIA!
  24. I feel for you Steve, you’ve had a lot of hassle recently?
  25. just want to pass this scenario to anyone for advice, vehicle was sold as grade 1 with no mention of a damaged windscreen, however on inspection at the auction site it has a chip/crack to the windscreen and is an mot failure. what are my options ? thanks in advance
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