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TM1989 last won the day on November 3 2023

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About TM1989

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    Independent dealer
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  1. Who’s the best for trade insurance? Prices going through the roof this year? Mines gone up by nearly a £1000!!
  2. I don’t think it’s the salespersons fault. Unfortunately some people are just idiots and I’ve had my share over the last few years years too. They annoy the living day lights out of me. The good ones make make it worth it though!!
  3. Thank you so much for this mate. I will get onto straight away. Happy new year! P.s I’ve done the same and know his business etc too lol.
  4. Hi guys hope you’ve all had a good Christmas and all the best for the new year. regarding the above topic I did pick the car up and refunded the silly customer all his money. I was sick to death of him and his mrs sending emails and messages everyday threatening about court!! However when the car was picked up I noticed his fat mrs had added 3500 miles on the clock and had in fact been driving it even when they were complaining to me telling the car wasn’t fit for purpose and that I had put their kids in danger!! I am now wanting to these idiots to court as I am going to be out of pocket by £1000 at least. I have proof of all the messages and when they started complaint to me about this car originally so she should’ve never have added 3500 miles on the clock. what do you guys think? I know I probably sound petty but everyone’s struggling these days and I can’t stand people who have the nerve and the cheek to treat people who are trying to earn a simple living this!!!
  5. I know I’m thinking of just telling him to get trafinf standards and every man and his dog if he wants.
  6. Mate I know but I can’t risk him taking us to trading standards. I swear we haven’t done anything wrong at all and can prove this but they’ll definitely find something on a 13 year old car. I hate people who take advantage of people who genuinely trying to earn a living and not cheating the system!!
  7. I know mate it’s a nightmare. I can’t believe traders don’t have a leg to stand on though. Customers threaten with trading standards and we have to get our cars back on their say so. It’s ridiculous.
  8. Hi both thank you for replying and apologies about the late reply. I very much doubt I am getting the true story as well. I did speak to Kwik fit today who checked over the car and they said the rear callipers,discs,pads and an actuator sensor need changing on the car but the warranty will not cover this. The car was sold in July but was mot’d in April on around 76,000 miles and when it was sold it was around the same miles too. It’s the customers partner and they’re both horrible. honestly I absolutely had customers like these two idiots. when they bought the car they did say they were going to drive it back and forth to Cardiff. I have asked him over and over again for the mileage details and the details surrounding the car being ‘unroadworthy’ and he is not having and just wants a full refund and expects us to pick the car up too. I can’t believe tarders don’t have a leg to stand on when coming across these idiot customers. the guy has basically had the car for 2 /12 - 3 months and now just wants a refund. his mrs the idiot also said we advertised the car with Bluetooth but never did and we proved this to her. I swear I’m well angry and would loose my temper if he was anywhere near me!!
  9. He’s in Stockport his Mrs is in Cardiff and she’s got the car with her in Cardiff. Cardiff amid about 3-4 hours away from us and Stockport is around the corner. The customer is a complete and utter pain.
  10. We sold a customer a car back in July this year. The car is 13 years old and we sold it with a 12 months mot. we changed the coil springs and a suspension part on the car when selling it and the car passed its MOT as well. The mechanic said that the breaks were fine and that they could be changed on the next mot which is due in April 2024. the customer started complaining because the engine light that came on in September and after he got a proper diagnosis done on the car the turbo sensor needs changing on the car. we have given him a 6 months warranty which will cover the sensor but he is being a complete and utter idiot. He’s also been told that the break discs and pads need changing and somehow the car is not in a roadworthy condition anymore but won’t send us the proof stating this. He wants us to pay for the dics and pads on the car which is barbaric. He is threatening us with trading standards and wants a full refund because of the above. what can we do? Do we have a leg to stand on? The mot was done properly and we never cut corners. he’s saying he will only send the report to us via trading standards and that he has had the car checked over by a green flag engineer too. any advice will be much appreciated.
  11. Hi all What on earth is going on? Bought like 7 cars in the last couple of weeks and they’re all knackered from diff replacements, transfer box replacements, new head gaskets, gear boxes, timing chains and much more!! Don’t even know where to go to for stock anymore. Is this what it’s going to be like for every now? How are you guys finding your stock?
  12. What’s an expensive tool that’s good? I’m willing to pay
  13. Hi hope you’re all doing well. Can anyone recommend a decent diagnostic tool for German cars. I had an issue with an car once as adblue fault made car completely stop. The mechanic used a tool which gave me an extra few miles on the car to get me home and then car went dead again. Anyone know what tool this was? and what is a decent diagnostic tool to get for German cars? Thanks in advance!!
  14. Slow this month for us too. Got cheap prices on too and getting really good views but just tyre kickers turning up. How’s everyone else doing up north?
  15. I basically wasn’t able to pay for the vehicle due to two deaths in the family so therefore business was closed and didn’t shift any stock. There’s 3 other vehicles which they’ve taken back from me will be charging me £800 each on them too. The stress this has caused me is unbearable. Anyone got any advice?