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Everything posted by TDB

  1. 3 heavy cars over the weekend and an S3 at 9 am this morning!
  2. I started with £150 in 1989! I too have had plenty of ups & downs yet I always seem to remember the downs for some reason! It is a strange business,most of the time I love it,other times less so but all in all its given me & my family a decent living and I have met some great,some strange and some horrible people over the years. Times have certainly changed Umesh,I remember waiting for the Auto Trader rep to come out with his camera,take one grainy black & white picture,wait until Friday until the magazine came out and pray that they had not messed up the advert (often they did)! Oh the good old days!
  3. The same with me today Tom.....first customer humming & arghing......trying his best to get everything for nothing....says I will be back in 20 minutes with my "expert". Ten minutes later chap & son pop in buy the car and drive off happy. Second chap comes back totally bemused that I would sell to someone else! Its a ten grand car Sir first past the post wins!
  4. Well we ended up 12 down on May so although not bad profit wise in June,the figures are not good especially if it carries on like this for the summer.
  5. We have been quite busy this week and have seen 7 leave the showroom so far.
  6. This is Captain Jamslug......This plane was bought less than 6 months ago as a consumer sale (even though we said we were trade to negotiate a better price),it has done over 500000 miles in that time and it has developed a slight oil use,only slight mind but we are just on the phone to the dealer now demanding a full refund or we will do our utmost to ruin his business via all the consumer laws we have at our disposal! Anyway enjoy the rest of your trip.
  7. 3 in the last 3 hours!
  8. Lowest mileage we have atm is....36!.....Highest.....152000! Either way there is always a victim for every car!
  9. Farewell James & good luck in your new chosen way of life,how exciting! All the best from me.
  10. We use HPi and Experian......over 28 years we have had to make one claim via HPi....REJECTED......two claims with Experian......APPROVED.
  11. Still quiet here....5 so far in June.
  12. Same here except for a chap on a TT who could not get on with the interior colour!....It was black!
  13. Steve....all you have written is almost exactly as we do. We do not however keep any of the deposit if they turn up and don't like it for ANY reason.
  14. So how much do you all take as a non-refundable deposit then? We take £300 in the form of a contract to purchase non-refundable deposit.
  15. After almost 28 years running my own business from scratch I can honestly say that over the last say 4-6 years and especially the last 2 years "most" customers are definitely NOT honest! They will lie,lie and lie again before,during and after a sale and as we all know the new "Consumer is ALWAYS right" laws only encourage them to lie even more. Its a real shame but this once loved occupation is turning into a never ending battle in my opinion.
  16. We allow full refunds on deposits over the phone. Any deposit face to face is lost if the customer backs out or simply changes their mind as we are a business not a charity and any deposit is to remove the car from sale.
  17. Do any of you refund deposits if a customer changes their mind?
  18. Local papers!!??......A dying breed!