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Everything posted by metcars

  1. +1 i think everyone on this forum should be using this time to ponder what a post CV used car business world could look like?
  2. People are interpreting the lockdown rules to suit themselves. It’s not their fault, even the police aren’t sure about all this. There really shouldn’t be any ambiguity?
  3. All true. But at some point those big investors will be lobbying their chums in the government to get everyone back to work! Because it’s safe now right? Or it is for most of us, sure a few old or weak might have to be sacrificed, but hey ho!
  4. I suppose many will be concerned about how safe it really is out there?
  5. They are clearly justifying themselves by claiming to be focusing on NHS staff.
  6. You’ve been watching way too much porn!
  7. It’ll be fun doing that in the auction car park before I drive it home?
  8. Funnily enough I was thinking about volunteering for fruit and veg picking but there’s not a lot of opportunities in east London. But I needn’t have worried because there appear to be plane loads of Albanians being flown in to help farmers, so that’s good news!
  9. The usual Facebook suspects are busy selling as usual I see? A lot of people seem to be interpreting the rules of the lockdown in a way that suits themselves. I wonder if the companies that pay to advertise on this forum are happy for ling to do it for free?
  10. Whoops! I’m sure he’ll cut me some slack, we’re all dealers close to the edge!
  11. F@£/!?& Picasso. Years ago I took one over to Calais to get some food shopping and the cooling fan seized! Spent most of the day trying to get a spare using my grammar school French. Golden days!
  12. I’ve taken lings advice and remodelled my business. So I have an empty fish tank, a pile of out of date newspapers on a wobbly table and a stack of fizzy drink cans?
  13. What mug? I remember someone on here weeks ago saying it was “only the flu”!
  14. I understood that car dealers in the US are deemed an essential service? Maybe not? As mentioned above there’s the moral dilemma to consider, it’s not so much the ‘could’ but rather the ‘should’? I’m an ‘extremely vulnerable’ person with a dodgy ticker and hypertension. I’m not keen to let the metaphorical drawbridge down quite yet for obvious reasons.
  15. I think your mistake was bothering with PH at all. I’ve found that these sorts of ‘enthusiast forums’ mostly consist of people that have absolutely no idea how a real business works? And think that ‘wheeler dealers’ is a workable business?