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Everything posted by umesh

  1. Iphone great but when i do hundreds of pics for the web .. I've got a Samsung ES55 ! Nothing fancy about 2 years old and i think it cost me around £70-then - so i'm sure better ones on the market for less money these days! ! does a great job for me!
  2. SO many things have not been discussed, if the split went a head I personally think it would be a disaster ! As far as I'm concerned the combination is what makes this COUNTRY 'GREAT BRITAIN ' ! But I'm sure there are many Scots who will think totally opposite to me ! Either way lot of people are going be disappointed with the outcome - be it #Yes or #No !
  3. would loved to have done it .. but 'one man' band makes it very difficult
  4. Alistair , you asked if any one used video's to buy / sell - ALL my used cars have a full walk around video :- check them out see what you think! I've definitely sold cars directly form the video ..[ Only been doing then around 5/6 weeks now ] as I type this just taken a deposit on a SEAT because the buyer has seen the video! as lots of customers have told me - on the video there is nothing to hide ! Just making it EASY for customers to buy!
  5. Well the #DVLA Insisted that "60% of the people are aware of the changes - and 3000 stake holders, Autotrader , HPI , RAC had been consulted " I'm JUST amazed that 'most' of us don't have a clue - i'm only guessing we must be the 40% excluded or simply don't have a clue on this forum or TCD Forum. I think 60% are probably aware of going 'paperless' but not knowing the full implications of what is actually happening ! I'm still trying to get over the shock of 'stock cars' on forecourts loosing the road tax at the end of the month - WHY ? The duty has been paid by the previous owner or the dealer as part of the deal , all to be wiped away unless the car is registered in the dealers name and the dealer gets a refund when they sell it- that's simply daylight robbery! Some has done some cleaver maths -getting paid twice for the same car!
  6. Just opened the post and I have a cheque from the DVLA for tax refund ! You'd be thinking well what's wrong with that ? I'm speechless as the car has just gone through cherished transfer 2 weeks ago - I have the new disc AND am keeping the car on the road - UME 511P - Not only do I have a cheque but its addressed to a friend of mine who's not been involved in this transaction at all - both cars are registered to myself - let me check my name to be sure ' UMESH SAMANI ' SO HOW do they address the cheque to 'Adam Alcock c/o Umesh Samani ?? You have to see the cheque to believe it !
  7. Absolutely SHOCKING ! Again it just shows all these people who are in position of trust take advantage , do they really think they are not going to get caught out ! Only last week I started the topic ' do you know what's going on in your dealership' on the forum!
  8. Jim, i think this is a great move as I posted on FB , I Have always closed from day one -17 Years ago I decided i would not work 7 days a week , its too easy to get into doing that 'routine' and lose out on quality time, chill out time and recharge time even if you read trade mags on Sunday at home its a change of space and thinking time.! when I started many of trade people /colleagues / friends ALL said I was mad and would lose a lot of business ? I said the type of stock / cars I sell people will come back in the week or make appointments that we could both accommodate! I'm sure I've lost the odd deal or two over the years but I've enjoyed my Sundays off - either with family/ friends or simply DIY at home! No regrets at all and best decision i made. I've made appointments on Sundays if thats the only day that a prospective customer can make it and then its only been between 20 minutes to ..max an hour AND 90% of the time sold a car - other times we simply couldn't do a deal - it happens !! but not wasted all day waiting! Now my next dileama is do i close 6 days and only open one !! Thoughts:) One day ONLY to buy a car will there we queues ? PS - Forgot to mention some of the dealers who said I was mad all those years ago now close on Sundays due to lack of business - I think either 3/4 OR 5 dealers of them ! It is a 'personal' choice to what suits each of us!
  9. will, fully understand the 50/60 used cars! but a few weeks back when I decided i'd do them all - i had nearly 30 cars in stock - did them all - now obviously its easy as I do the new stock as soon as it comes in! no one said it would be easy , If it was easy everyone would be doing them ! Good pictures definitely help! two people last week one from London & one from Argyll put a deposit on cars due to number of images - but not just number but quality/angles etc - both also said they liked the video's , gave them more confidence!
  10. Do you know what’s going on in your business? I don’t have staff, but fully aware of what happens when the boss is not looking or away [i’m ready to be shot down!] So many different people tell me ‘tales’ of things that go in various businesses. What would you see different if you had camera’s? Would all your staff be working away the same? Would anything go missing if you weren't watching them? its all about trust after all –isn't it? Saying that how many cases have we all read about theft on grand scales from staff , only a few weeks ago I was talking to an old colleague who told me how he caught his ‘trusted’ sales man pocketing some of the cash deposit – and selling the ‘older part exchanges ‘ the only reason he found out was he took a call from a customer about the Part Ex – that wasn't in part ex if you know what I mean! The salesman had taken it in – sold it for cash to another customer- as he colleague said†I’ll never know how much and how long it’s been going on!†If you have time it’s worth watching (* I know its American ïŠ } but its great entertainment and a real eye opener ‘undercover Restaurants’ on free view 41 [maybe different in different area] usually 10.00 pm Have you been caught out by a ‘trusted employee’?
  11. Will , just a 'cheap' video camera i bought couple of years ago - probably better ones on the market for less money now! just simply up load to Youtube i did try to play with them all fancy etc but to be honest why waste time - simple up load - customers can see the car!
  12. Will, I've been playing with videos ! last few weeks I've videoed all my car sand now every single car has a video : Let me know your thoughts ! My Youtube channel : and this one a bit more about the business : Any comments from anyone appreciated - good / bad hopefully not ugly Enjoy !!
  13. I do advertise with motors the cost is about 1/10 of AT ! But then again the number of enquiries /sales ratio seems to be the same! Although I ask every lead / enquiry /sale - where they saw the car advertised 1st - this doesn't always give a true answer ! Motors have a 'wisper' when you get a call " This is a lead from please introduce yourself........ " which is great { I did suggest to AT Many ,many , many years ago! BUT they've never added it as a feature? why?"} back to answers - I had a customer tell me he had seen a car on AT - He then went on to my website and called me - this was wrong as that particular car was only advertised on motors - so regardless of how much I ask ? you never know exactly .. the way this customer had found this car was in fact Google " Typing in make/ model / transmission - stoke on trent " and hey presto ! obviously motors link must have come up at the top ! we ALL have to second guess where we think we ought to be advertising that the customers maybe looking at ?
  14. When is a dealer not a dealer! A good friend of mine who likes changing his cars regularly asked me to find a car for him been searching a few weeks but not found the ‘right car-deal’ , many times he’s found the car and sent me a link to see if I can buy/deal ! This one has proved a bit difficult but he’s found the car at a dealer at a reasonable price! The ‘overall ‘deal is acceptable and he’s happy to do a deal. The deal is set up and I was going to go with him tonight to inspect the car / paper work and all being equal pay and come back with the car ( as long as both parties happy with both cars! ) my friend just called the dealer to confirm the details for tonight – The dealer says “ sorry but can’t accept card payment as it’s my brother in laws car – only cash?†so my friend rang me to say could we get the cash for him !! STOP! STOP I shouted. I asked my friend to call the dealer and ask about the invoice? The 12 months warranty? – the reply was “ Anyone can buy a warranty you don’t have to be a dealer , I can’t do you an invoice as it snot my car it’s my brother in laws and you’re buying the car off him!†As you can guess –we won’t be going tonight ( we have told him) Is this a new way to sell cars? legal obligations? VAT ? Legal title / owner? Opens up a can of worms if you ask me!
  15. Shame you're not nearby Andy I'd show you 'proper service'! You are so , so right but its not just this industry so many business's not replying to leads/sales etc! I've bought 3 cars privately in the last two days .. ALL the customers said to me they had 'RANG' at least 4/5 dealers who advertise ' they buy cars' and no one had bothered to call them back! I guess I'm the one who's benefited - even if they don't what that car is it not polite to simply call back and say so? Even if the wheel repair man or A/C is busy they can simply tell you a date that is suitable and you make a decision ?
  16. Lots of questions ! where do I start ... will try and jot a few IF we get any sense back !
  17. Personally if you split the business you’re making more paper work and headaches that comes with it, I see exactly where you’re coming from. Many years ago in my days at a franchised dealer the labour rate was charged at normal retail rate to the sales department (Internally) this was so that the service department shows its own profitability and that the sales department wasn’t make ‘extra’ profit on a reduced labour rate. This also stopped the workshop pushing back sales cars as the sales department was paying the full rate. I do remember a couple of dealers who used to say that system was unfair on the ‘sales’ department at their sites so they would sublet the work at a discounted price to an ‘outside’ company. I tried to explain the sublet was a no, no! As this was putting money out of the business, where the ‘internal ‘rate might have been retail BUT that was only ‘paper’ shuffling between departments! Furthermore some of dealers were also buying accessories i.e. alloy wheels from outside companies because they got a ‘better deal’ than their own parts department !! try explain to people better to keep the money in the same business – same pot – regardless of ‘which’ department benefits !
  18. Sadly there are times when nothing can be done ! if they've been declined by 4 lenders there's some issues ! move on and save wasting time!
  19. What’s happened to all the ‘professional motor traders’? I’m sure we’re all having similar issues or have them in the past! Few months ago dealer puts an Audi S5 on ATM – Late on about 6.15ish, I called him straight away to check on the spec as ‘nothing ‘ was mentioned, he ASSURED me it was black with black leather , sat nav , Bluetooth pretty much it – he had just picked it up and was driving it , I said I was very keen 99% but just need to call customer to confirm, he said no problem and that I had 1st refusal -confirm in the morning ! I emailed an Audi colleague to spec check the car, 8.00am next morning I have the spec checked. The car has ‘tan’ leather, sunroof, + few other bits. I rang about 8.15ish, goes to voice mail, land line no answer, and send an email to say I’d buy the car- no reply. Waited until 9.00 rang mobile no answer, tried 20 mins later got to speak to the man “sold mate sold it last night! “ I said you.. “Sorry gone you’re too late and put phone down!†OK the tan leather wasn’t a problem for my customer BUT what a pack of lies – he’s just picked it up, tan & Black – some difference! How can you miss the sunroof? One thing for sure I’d never ring the dealer again – totally unprofessional Two weeks later I did find the perfect car and a dealer who was just as impressive- in fact he went ‘above & beyond’ he’d told me 1 wheel refurb but because I’d specifically asked about the wheels he went out again after doing the deal and said he was wrong 3 wanted doing (2 weren’t too bad) but he felt he had misled me – AND Got them all refurb before I got the car collected! That professional ! Another two last & this week! Rang a dealer about a prestige car circa £40k, told me it was sold but I have another one coming in tomorrow! Great gave me all the details and promised to send me some pictures.... 4 days later I got 2 pictures. I rang him to ask full details were correct now the car was physical and confirmation of price to me – told me £40K trade – as it will be going up on the front for £42950! Can you believe it on AutoTrader & their web site £39950!!! Finally, I promise I won’t bore you anymore! customer ( very regular ) spots a car on eBay send me a link and says ‘do your magic on this ‘ last 4 cars he’s found and I’ve managed to do deals with dealers/privates! Car is for £9499 – few conversations / emails with the dealer back & forth!. Dealer says happy to trade £9000 – tell your customer £9999 that leaves you a good margin ! I said “ customer has seen it advertised for £9499†! does make you wonder what people think & do !!
  20. Totally agree with you James, Photo and PR .. I helped a good friend out with local team a few years ago, got promised various photo shoots but nothing ever materialised - told him how disappointing i had been - he had the cheek to ask the next year - !! Told him I might as well have put the few hundred quid down the drain ! he's answer was can't believe you don't want to help these young kids for a few hundred quid ! Got approached again by another local team this year - I explained what i would want as a minimum and they would have to sign to agree - guess what they never came back - last I heard they're still looking ! Once caught ...!
  21. I won't change in anyway how I operate, I believe I have always sold the best cars, provided service to my customers and in reality I think most customers are quite reasonable and will allow dealers who are genuine and honest to resolve the problem without shouting about it. The major issues will be all the 'do gooders ' [Mates in the pub] jumping on the band wagon telling the world what the rights are! The rules are just bizarre 30 days if it suffers a fault ! what happens when its 'driver' issues ? as we know slight hiccup and a light comes on !
  22. Think 'we' all have to put ourselves in customers shoes ! ( if they fit!) certainly 700 miles and such short time ! I'd be apologising to the customer , courtesy car - new pads fitted - washed give it back ! he/she will be telling everyone what great service and hopefully return to buy another !
  23. James ! You're alone thinking wild ideas all the times ! Strange but I look at so many other business and keep thinking " If Only they did this or that , how much better it would be for the customer , and how much more money they could make..... " I guess to us ' outsiders' it appears all to easy, but in reality with other business they have their headaches and wonder how they could improve their services , get more customers, be more efficient, make more money etc etc. In my frustration a few years ago of receiving poor service from restaurants I had this website built ! but due to lack of time not done much with it! [ I have so many ideas for restaurants I could write a book ! ]