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Everything posted by TangoVictor32

  1. Your solicitor is clueless if he thinks a gesture of goodwill can go against you. A gesture of goodwill is what it is. Always get a second opinion.
  2. Needs to go on Facebook and YouTube!
  3. You're lucky i didnt say sandwitches.... Witches I suppose they cant because how do they know it's a spammer? Could be a new genuine member.
  4. Fca? Fried chicken association?
  5. You love sperm on your sandwhiches? Wasnt long ago when i mentioned there is a rat or two on here who like to wind us up.... The more i say this the more topics we see lol
  6. Clearly he doesnt have a brain... And neither do you for even suggesting a trade in! Think man !! If he's giving you hassle (nearly) 3 years later why would you want his custom at all? Another poxy topic by a regular member
  7. Stick my name on your certificate please I miss my 2 friends Arthur Daley and Lucas. They're quiet on the public forum they must be rocking it on the private one
  8. Thats the thing most things nowadays because some "expert" recommends it usually its a load of tat and quick easy cash for the organisation provider. As others have said do basic manual research.
  9. So they deduct it from.this then?
  10. How much do you get? The letter is a bit blurry but am i right in saying they want you to pay them to use their finance?
  11. Really? Never should take a day. Should be instant. Bank transfers can not always be there for immediate use however.
  12. Some dealers also might only make a commission on the car from finance and break even on the price hence they paid over cap near enough retail at the block...
  13. That explains why you're friendly lol Exactly. Had this idiot once he said its instant because he sent money to himself before and it was instant. Yet clearly it said up to 2 hours... And then thats not always guaranteed as payments can be selected for security.... And that delays things by hours
  14. Council has a bank???? Which council is this? Not like they are already ripping us off with increased council tax to fund their little projects now they want you to bank with them? I wouldn't trust them. Remember what happened to Northampton council?
  15. Am i the only one that insists on cash? With crisp notes and queens head facing the correct way? Coins incur a 5% handling charge
  16. No never worked for Thames Valley. I also hold the sound boom in my spare time The American cop shows are more interesting - just take out the gun and pow pow
  17. Why cant banks provide their own card machines with very low percentages or even one at all? Is there regulation? It would sure help out small businesses as bank transfers arent always instant. A lot of banking apps do have daily limits to new payees
  18. You'd be surprised. Rainy gloomy days are boring when you are sitting duck waiting for phone to ring
  19. Seriously starting to think regulars here make these new fake accounts. My instinct tells me it was the members that were more active but now have become less active....but now we see these random posts....
  20. Could be a pals pal if not your own pal ! Easy pickings
  21. I give you 2.... 1) one man was being checked into custody for drugs... Had lots of notes on him so we was counting it at the custody desk. Another prisoner was being moved from the nurses room to a cell and he leaped at the desk trying to take the cash and was pounded upon by few heavyweights.... Yes in a secure police station custody block - how on earth did he think he would get away with the cash? Like I said they are thick and in this weird mindset. 2) Post office was being robbed by 2 men armed with a gun in a bag. The owner had his own gun and pulled it out. The 2 tried running out but was locked in. We turned up and found they only had a banana in a carrier bag.... We asked them why you ran - one said "my banana wouldn't even fire blanks" and matey pulled out the real thing. All 3 got done - including the owner for possessing a fire arms. Hate the domestic jobs. Gosh they are annoying as F. She said this. He said that. She shagged him. He did that.