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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. + 1 I only do it in these circumstances too. However- I always put a rear window sticker in- but I am 'Old School'.
  2. Hmmm, that's bonkers. So if it's 'in the trade' you can drive it but not leave it anywhere. If it's SORN you can't then drive it on trade plates?
  3. Uh. Nice. Oh well. Life in the city. (It wasn't parked on the road. Was in the pub car park- well off road.)
  4. No trouble with insurance no. Driver on his way to collect the junk now. Friend of mine (in the trade) has this happen to him a lot -because he's a fool and leaves cars lying about all over the place on the street- and he has just spent 1200 quid getting his back. Self-inflicted obviously and only himself to blame. I've never had any issues before with parking off road, so it's a lesson learned for me too. Remember to make sure everything is SORN....
  5. Dvla have been lifting untaxed cars round our way yesterday. I was all smug about it until I realised they'd also taken one of mine from the off-road pub car park near my house. I've been parking there on and off (not taking the piss as I know the staff in the pub) for last 12 years or so, when a car is awaiting a valet etc. Anyway, without notice or clamping, they lifted it yesterday, as they apparently have the right to do so on any public access land. This includes a shared car park for houses or flats, pubs etc or shared driveway. £260 to get the car back and they took it to Bristol (which is over 60 miles away!) The car wasn't SORN just 'in the trade' via yellow slip.
  6. I meant these:
  7. ‘Lipped plates’ give you space under the standard plate area, where you can put what you like. They’re barely any more money and look much better than the surrounds.
  8. Awesome. Well done you! (def a quiet boring Thursday here too)God I hated it when that program came on. I must have been about 10. I agree, no diesel but they'd not want anything German would they? Mondeo do you think?
  9. We have some lovely bright and hard-to-remove window stickers which we put on every sold car. It is a small pleasures I have when I'm driving about the town and see one of our stickers or number-plates on a car. Half the time I don't even remember the car. Old age. The number-plates are the 'lipped' ones where the bottom of the plate has an extra portion for our name. It's very clear and noticeable but not so prominent that it looks tacky.
  10. Hmmm... interesting question..I'd say a Jag XF
  11. Yup. Even worse when they say ‘cash and no finance, no PX- best price’. As if that’s a good thing! Err, no. all of those things cost me money Mr. Customer...cost to pay cash in less the discount loss you’re asking for /no potential PX re-selling, no finance commission.
  12. I find it pays for itself alright. You have to make sure they know a few standard replies and info you need them to get from the punter. You do get a few late night idiots, but the majority of the leads are fine I find, and it saves you missing people outside of business hours. I just chase them in the evening via email and/or call them in the morning. The customers seem to like the service.
  13. Visitor Chat - we use them too. They're much more 'diplomatic' shall we say than me/us ;0)
  14. This is absolutely true- and obviously from a different era, but an old (now long dead) motor trader friend of mine used to say (VAT killed the game & (in his cockney accent): "You've seen the mota Mate/Love, you like the mota, you know the price? I don't want you going out in it and using me juice up and coming back sayin' you've got others to see. "You drive it and it drives well like it does then you're gonna buy today yeah?" "I don't wanna be f***ed abaat (about) I 'aven't got time for messers alright?!" (Apologies to any Eastender's reading) Worked for him.
  15. It's a difficult one. On the whole I don't mind a test drive - especially with 40-60 in stock it helps keep 'em starting and cleans the discs off etc. but depends again on if I like them. You run the risk of alienating them if you refuse a demo, and sometimes 'today's looker' is tomorrow's buyer'. The ' the price is the price' question often deters the fool from a demo. I like this one. Will shamelessly steal that. ;-)
  16. Back to topic: I often 'sniff out' an idiot/chancer BEFORE the test drive. 'You're welcome to a demo Mr/Mrs.Customer, but I'm afraid I am rigid on the price for this car, so I wouldn't want to waste your time and mine if you are thinking it will be cheaper.' Also 'Do you have a part exchange...' If it's something that I could do with shifting and am a bit flexible on the price (or I just like the people) I won't do this- although I will ask if they are looking to buy today/have others to see etc.
  17. To answer the thread question: we are a bit flexible usually but not much. And it very much depends on the car/margin/how long we’ve had it and-most importantly-whether the punter is normal or not. If they’re nice and ask nicely we will do a little something usually. If they think they’re ‘smarter than the average bear’ or an arse, we won’t.
  18. Exactly. More info needed. And how many owners now to take in to account.
  19. Good here. Busiest month so far for a while. It'll soon change though I'm sure.
  20. We discuss this at point of sale. Usually it's fine, but the odd person makes it a deal breaker - we obviously do one then, but usually just a non-remote one (but depends on the car/customer)
  21. Same here. Good cars with never an issue. Miles better build quality and punters than any of the hateful German junk -which are all to be avoided wherever possible for me. Maybe it's an area thing.
  22. Agreed but I got no reply when I tried to join a while back. However, I'm not sure I'd say anything particularly different in there than on here.
  23. £49 is value just for the Big Mike column alone. (I still think it's BHM ;0)