trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. Apps,software,I have no idea except 20 years ago I had a phone extension in my office where I could press a button and listen in to our guys talking to punters.We used to call it the ‘anti gobshite monitoring system’.
  2. Chucky......I know quite a bit about offering and earning from it.To make it work,it has to be the prime variety.The hard bit is finding out what you need to sell and how to market it in order to attract the business. In my experience the best finance companies ( not brokers) will pay differing rates of commission based on a criteria dependent on your volume of business,proposal rejection rate,no of cases that go legal and the cost of managing your account ( amount of hassle or merchandise complaints).If you can score well over a period of time,you may then be offered a volume bonus deal which can be worth a extra several hundred pounds per week and get higher with the more business you do. Interestingly if you look at the financial results of quite a few car supermarkets often their income from finance exceeds their net profits.
  3. I was talking to a ‘connected ‘ guy last week and he appeared to confirm what we thought, that many of them pay nothing at all.Aparently the big auction groups might have contracts that guarantee vendors 95% of Cap Clean for each entry.That may appear high risk and a good deal for the vendors, but as a conspiracy theory maybe not if the auctions can control Cap prices.As most stuff now goes above Cap Clean ,it makes you wonder what is really going on.What happens to the auctions if the Cap guys wake up.
  4. Learning to ‘blow money’ and ‘taking your medicine ‘ is all part of the job.If you have 3 cars and little space I would think 6 weeks then into the block and move on.However,when you have a pitch with a lot of stock you just gradually reduce them over time and eventually they go.Back in the 08 financial crash,it was different,people with big pitches and heavy stock were forced into taking huge hits all at once to move on so they could restock with cheaper stuff.I would imagine those who did nothing got into bother.
  5. Hi Miz You need skill,knowledge and experience to succeed in this job.As you don’t appear to have that,I would suggest that first of all you should buy one or two low priced older cars.After you have mot’d and cleaned them,try selling them from where you live.You will need to be prepared to lose money and get regularly kicked in the teeth with problems in the first 2 years........When you have bought some stock,you could let us know.
  6. Marc....I would say that ex NHS 14 plate Corsas with 100k would have to be £2500 to sell for a doorstepper.For a pitch,I think they would do £3000 (good for £100 dep £20 per week stock)......How much are they ?
  7. Hi Southeast If I am looking at the right pitch in Aylesbury on AT,If it is,it looks like a half hearted operation.It does not look like a business run by a 15year pro.Stuff badly photographed next to wheelie bins,badly presented needing paintwork and who does your valeting.A lot of your stock appears cheap enough but it looks like the wrong stuff to me.You cannot skimp on paintwork and valeting and stock has to look right.The stock in the background appears not to be lined and priced up with any flair and,in which case I am not surprised Trade has declined......I would say stick to what you are doing but you may need to try harder..
  8. Partner......sorry Dave,thought you were referring to your business partner bloke !
  9. Dave..I would tell your mates son to forget it,you get nothing for a grand down there.I think you should get something from where you are for £1500 which will be nice and deliver it.It will be a different world down there from what you guys are used to,they don’t leave their front doors open down there.( if you know what I mean )
  10. I think it was grey,I did not inspect it,my attention was drawn to it by the others watching the screen on the wall outside the ring.
  11. It was £6800 hammer down so £7200 ish out the door so you may be right.
  12. I would have thought £5k was crazy......anyone else care to value it.
  13. You think cars are expensive.How about this,looked into BCA Newcastle this morning.In the Bristol Street section 53 Cooper S 15k one owner loads of extras,sold online with local guy underbidder in the hall,how much did it do.........
  14. I would be interested to know what you buy because in my opinion it has never been easier to find stock.If you don’t buy on line you have got to be prepared to travel...and I mean travel.
  15. That’s a shame,I think Brexit is back on after today,I was just waiting to come in and bore everyone.......anyway I voted out.
  16. Fair enough Grant.......can you disclose the names of some of these pitches closeby to see if we can find out how they do.If they do well that could be good news for you.Moving pitch can be an anxious time,it will not be straight forward.
  17. Carefull what you wish for........don’t think you that you will be able to compete with franchised dealer prices.Overpricing by newcomers on pitches has been the downfall of many.....take note.
  18. I could go on and on.....circa 1981....Anyway we used to sell a lot of stuff to miners (in the days of coal mines) and they earned good money.This guy walks in and stands next to a Capri and calls me over.He says ‘I’ll have that Bonny lad’ and I say thank you.He said he would just nip over to Barclays which was 200 yds away to get the money.15 minutes later he is back with cash and we do the invoice.He says can you deliver it and having seen that he lived 500 yards away,I say where to.He says ‘my house’ and explains that he does not have a licence.So I ask him why he was buying this car.........he produced a letter from Barclays telling him as a valued customer he qualified for a car loan and he said his mates where getting the same letter and buying nice cars.We did deliver it.....He was just keeping up with his mates !
  19. Yeah......but if he got pulled it would be headlines in the local paper.
  20. That’s happened to us when we only left 10% in LA ,waitress chased us and wanted another 10% because she said she was not paid much.
  21. Hi Dave It would be better if you posted this on General Dealer Chat.......I may be wrong......but I think if you book the job in to your workshop first before using your plates to collect it and deliver it to your paintshop.Then bill yourself for the work etc.when it is completed.
  22. I have experience doing this sort of thing as an investor and first of all would need to see the last 2 years accounts.If you were sourcing the stock yourself,I would have to see the purchase invoices.I don’t think you can have set figures per vehicle,what we have done is base it on the quality of the deal.So if a deal goes wrong,duff swapper,big warranty claim,huge prep bill and there is no profit,the investor gets e.g.£50.However with good deals attracting resaleable swappers,prime finance and a very good profit margin the investor should be able to earn up to £400.( but they are not many of them).So with a straight £1000 mark up less your vat less prep and delivery costs etc as you will net little so I would suggest £100- £125. If you have a good business which has been established for 10 years you may need to explain to potential investors why you have a poor credit rating.Non motor trade investors taking the AD route would probably expect their investment to be ‘belt and braces’ fully secured.I thought £20k was being used as an example,if this is all that you require,I would be suspicious.If it is a well established good business £20k cannot improve it very much.Sorry to sound like someone from Dragens Den.
  23. The punter is innocent !,sorry but you are contributory negligent,tell the punter the truth,unwind the deal,refund or get him another Fiesta ( preferably a newer and better one) and you will be a hero....However,it may cost you a grand or more. On your admission this subcontractor must be dodgy and has either cocked up or is setting you up for a big bill ( if he does bills) .You know what they are like,the chances are he is not telling the truth and it probably won’t be right when he completes the job .He will then probably deny all knowledge of his workmanship and blame the car.
  24. The punter is innocent !,sorry but you are contributory negligent,tell the punter the truth,unwind the deal,refund or get him another Fiesta ( preferably a newer and better one) and you will be a hero....However,it may cost you a grand or more now but a lot more later on in the ‘small claims court’.
  25. I have experience doing this sort of thing as an investor and first of all I would need to see the last 2 years accounts.If you were sourcing the stock yourself,I would have to see the vehicle purchase invoices.I don’t think you can have set figures per vehicle,what we have done is base it on the quality of the deal.So if a deal goes wrong,duff swapper,big warranty claim,huge prep bill and there is no profit,the investor gets e.g.£50.However with good deals attracting resaleable swappers,prime finance and a very good profit margin then the investor should be able to earn up to £400.( but they are not many of them).So with a straight £1000 mark up less your vat less prep and delivery costs etc as you will net little so I would suggest £100- £125.Alternatively,If you are sending the investor to auctions to buy the stock on you behalf,you will have to pay their expenses on top.