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  1. 2 points
    So praised by the judge who rejected the claim as it was established buyers remorse because a relative had supplied another car ,yet it still costs you £550 when it was sold for £1850.! That’s par for the course in the Small Claims Court for car dealers.The message is……don’t sell cheapies to punters under 60 or better still ,don’t bother at all.
  2. 2 points
    The bottom line is that Judges do not like car dealers.The Judge is unlikely to know that an ABS sensor is not a big deal.I have unsuccessfully defended 3 cases brought by punters in the Small Claims Court where I thought there was no way I would lose.On the other hand I have won cases against an architect,a builder,a clothing wholesaler and the best one BCA.I think you will need to be able to prove that you offered a free repair and that they refused.Also it is important to make sure they have correctly followed procedure prior to issuing their claim.Was it sold with a new MOT,did you get a PDI sheet signed on handover,did you note the mileage when you had it back.How did you word your signed sales invoice . It is very unfair but selling cheapies these days is very risky and you might have to take your medicine on this one if you haven’t got a good defence which the Judge understands.
  3. 2 points
    Apologies PH for us ‘oldies ‘ hijacking your topic ‘.
  4. 1 point
    Rates are not likely to come down. They do £600m t/o and net £350m profit without employing many people. How good is that.The thing is that it doesn’t work as well as the original Autotrader mag which came out on a Thursday was also expensive but had paid for itself by Friday morning ! Your options are,don’t advertise all of your stock,buy £20k worth of AT shares as hedge against future increases,only advertise and show one model of vehicle with a choice of more in stock etc.Anyone else got any better ideas. It could be worse,in the US they might threaten to cancel your account if you advertised on another platform !
  5. 1 point
    Thanks for the info mate much appreciated
  6. 1 point
    Surely no one relies on guides anymore when you have various on line retail platforms to compare.There are of course conspiracy theories why Cap values are generally well below the market.As for Glass’s,in the distant past it was usually only the franchised dealers who subscribed annually and we like many others would just give a salesman about £2 for the previous month’s issue and work off that.
  7. 1 point
    Hi mate I don’t know what’s going on here. A lot people who can offer advise don’t seem to reply. I’ve had similar issues to yourself in the past unfortunately and will probably have more in the future. you’d rather refund them money and keep some money for the time they’ve used the car i.e mileage used and their name that’s been added onto the log book etc. I do feel for you mate. Some people just take the piss unfortunately. I bet she’s added a few thousand miles to the car, drove it up and down the country and now just wants her money back thinking her dad is going to cover your losses!!!
  8. 1 point
    Sorry guys but if I understand the deal correctly ,I think Mr Brewer’s sales guy deserves a P45 for negligence.Downing a £10k Golf over the phone by accepting payment by Credit Card ? .I think it is OK to accept an initial deposit by Credit Card but even if the punter was on the pitch and clearly legit,I would not accept full payment by Credit Card.It usually means they have no money and there will be faulty merchandise claims ahead and the card company can swipe back the full payment .I don’t think the Police look for stolen cars any more but maybe because Mr Brewer is a popular celebrity and of course the publicity ,they fortunately very promptly went out of their way considering all the other stuff going on at the moment. ….or am I out of touch ?
  9. 1 point
    Good luck,there is always Lawgistics,it’s a good one for them.
  10. 1 point
    Hi there,you are right to expect some compensation but I think we need a bit more information. These days it could be a good idea to have a long winded ‘ returns policy ‘ in legalese language. You need to try and create some grounds. I would first confirm to them in writing that you have received their request for a full refund and to Rescind The Contract on the sole grounds that Mrs X does not like the car and that you are taking advice. Did they prepay and why did you offer to deliver it,were there any special reasons.How old are they . Are they still using it and how many miles have they done Was the wife present when you handed it over and does she drive. ( I would be enquiring if she is his wife and lives at the delivery address ) Ask her what car she would prefer. How far are they away from you and was the handover completed ‘ after hours ‘. Is there any prospect of retailing or profiting on the swapper. Might the car need another valet before re offering it and is there any chance you may find one or two new stone chips ( a bit like car hire return guys ). The real reason for the rejection is probably completely different,it’s so annoying.
  11. 1 point
    Have you tried the classic open palm smack on the dashboard top?
  12. 1 point
    I remember cards in phone boxes?
  13. 1 point
    Got sorted mate. Know a good recovery guy in the area who picked it, and dropped it to his man who sorted it within a half hour. Wasn't told the full story from day one which confused all involved.
  14. 1 point
    I am surprised they lasted so long.How long have Cinch got having lost £300m in the last 2 years ? BCA were making a fortune what with charging huge buyers fees and persuading their main vendors to accept 90% of Cap Clean on forward contracts when most stuff has been doing over 100% of Cap Clean ……so they set up Cinch because they thought Cazoo was doing so well ! You couldn’t make it up.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Can't believe today's report in car dealer magazine I was in the pub last night and all the screens had grown men bashing a shuttlecock in what looked like finals Everywhere it said cazoo so they must have been the sponsors. I explained to the wife who they were and what they did and how they wanted to break a working product so got a lot of money off suits who got the money from your investments in isas etc And then today I read this news we've all been waiting for Margaret thatcher will have got it lighter when these boys finally light the touch paper Wouldn't it be nice if in time we had a proper investigation into this business
  17. 1 point
    Cazoo now online to sell your car for you
  18. 1 point
    He definitely did ! Do you remember the early Datsun Cherry’s and Sunny’s .They were cheap to buy,plentiful and brilliant sellers although the wings and sills rotted like hell and needed bodging !………..past glories.
  19. 1 point
    boss man took the hump