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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    We lived in aTyneside ‘back to back’ terrace and when we were 11 or 12 several of us would play football in the back lane which was quite normal.None of our parents had cars and then this ‘old bloke’ moved in up the lane.He would constantly warn us to keep away from his A40 which he was very proud of.We used to agitate him by saying things like ‘ nice Volvo mister ‘.Years later the ‘old bloke’ still lived there and we then established that when he used to bother us he was 37.
  2. 1 point
    haha sure has Frank , i remember living on a posh new housing estate when i was a kid , we all sat on Grumpies wall leaned our bikes on his wall , nicked Flowers out his garden , potatoes up Grumpies Jag Exhausts . he used to go nuts at us lol Then he collapsed in his garden one sat afternoon , we were not upsetting him that day , but was hanging near his house , saw him go down and it was us who raised the alarm and called 999 from a phone box , saved Grumpies life it did , his wife came back found the ambulance on the drive , found out it was us pests that saved him " the ambulance man told her we had called them " We all got £10 reward and was friends ever after with him when he got out of hospital . Was a heart attack we found out later . £10 was a lot of money back then as well , considering there was 8 of us as well . We used to help him sweep his drive of leaves , wash his Jag , mow his lawn , Finished up a nice old guy and taught a lot too . happy days
  3. 1 point
    If it wasn't for those pesky kids he would have got away with it
  4. 1 point
    Have you checked his accounts yet