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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    We get loads of the head units with dull lcd screens. Post it off to the ebay guy and he sends it back refurbed, cheapest option we've found.
  2. 2 points
    How long before London area companies paying £50k a year to office staff to work from home might work out they can employ people elsewhere to do the same work for £20k.
  3. 1 point
    To be far I've never had a long wait for a V5 for the DVLA.. Been waiting 4 weeks so far and still no sign, quick call in to them and they just blame Covid! I rang Sky the other day to discuss a new deal, after countless recorded messages it turns out the will only speak the the vulnerable or their carers, everyone else has go deal online. I have a warranty issue with a Fridge, its been going on for 6 weeks so far and getting know here fast, Covid being the problem. Seems to me poor service is just been glossed over with Covid as a wanky excuse Rant over
  4. 1 point
    FFS I can only recommend condoms or castration
  5. 1 point
    It will come to you , dont panic , just have to imagine every day is a school day I've been selling for best part or 50 yrs Salt and its always fun in my head , Customers change but their questions and expectations don't , Just learn to tell the truth and be firm , Don't let them rip your heart out , because they will have a go , no morals in the buying public , most rude set of people on earth , but you will learn the retorts that shoot them down , I do actually get off on dealing with the public though , one big competition and I don't lose Stick at it you will be fine
  6. 1 point
    Best of luck sir, you sound well 'sound' enough to do well.
  7. 1 point
    I wouldn't want to owning chunks of commercial office property at the moment.
  8. 1 point
    I think this should one be posted on the Magic Circle forum ....JLR's current wiring make 60's Lucas Prince of Darkness look top notch, without the addition of a dose of saltwater. Best of luck with though
  9. 1 point
    BHM touched on this months ago.... ..... .a simple use of the search function may of brought this to light..... Covid probably It's odd isn't it. Because we are all with the automotive 'bubble' where its a case of 'no grafty, no payee' and, things seem relatively normal, once you step outside of this 'bubble' it's amazing just how many aren't working, just how many services have restrictions on them.