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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    hmrc are getting power next week to tax at 100% anyone fiddling,it will be on the statute books within 30 days,the time left for anyone naughty to confess and repay,the clocks ticking so some good news to those perverting the market
  2. 1 point
    There lies the problem there not bank errors the bank followed the relaxed lending criteria from the government during the second wave of hand outs, and if you consider a business not paying back a loan at 2.5% there not going to be bothered if the bank ups it to a default rate of what ever the defaulted rate may be if they do not have the good conscience or business sense to pay a cheap loan back doubling the interest is hardly going to incentivise them to do so. The banks are also not going to be that bothered about chasing for the money they will of course send out the normal run of the mill letters and maybe the odd court order but after that where is the sense in them spending additional thousands when they can easily turn to the government for the loan to be settled in full without any additional costs to them.
  3. 1 point
    When people want discount for cash I’m generally fairly obliging and will usually offer to discount the 2% cash handling charge so they’ll only have to pay the screen price. I’m a nice guy like that.
  4. 1 point
    ....and fiddling the spirits. I’m with you on this, if you’re paying someone to PROPERLY nail together damaged shite you can’t make any money. However I’m sure the lads throwing them back together themselves (plenty of cable ties, sledgehammer chassis work & Roy Orbison paint jobs) make a shilling.