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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I’d never take investment from someone else wanting to take a piece of my profit while I did all the leg work or partner with someone - personal preference but I like to answer to me alone and know all my profits are mine (and the tax and VAT man unfortunately) If you want to expand can’t you take a bounce back loan or get capital yourself?
  2. 2 points
    Welcome to to the forum Faz if your making a wage in these times my thoughts are do you really want to include other investors in your business with a lot more overheads with rent etc keep doing what your doing from home on a 1 man basis would be my advice especially in these troubled times good luck whatever you decide .
  3. 1 point
    To many chiefs not enough indians and nothing spoils a friendship like money.
  4. 1 point
    It is a long time since we operated down there.3 grand per month for rent and rates sounds very cheap to me.Have you checked the cost of good insurance cover because despite having 20 years no claims with Aviva,they and a few others refused to give us a quote. 14 cars is a nice size ,however you only want short term loans from your investors otherwise they will want to be involved.
  5. 1 point
    Hi 100k of other peoples money would be my concern £3,000 a month for just the rent needs to be thought of as nearly double that , More advertising More costs of prep VAT element if your not already More petrol costs Then repayment of costs of the money people invested . May well be a clear case of working extra to pay other people . work your figures out very well , be honest with yourself , if your going to work harder the rewards should be higher for you .
  6. 1 point
    Thank you for the solid advice, yes the 3k includes rent and rates. seeing as you have experienced the london market would you say that 3k rent for a 14 car showroom is good for park royal area? I will take onboard what you said about changing the type of vehicles. Thank you Thank you for the warm welcome. That is what is dividing me. Either I stay put and continue as I am or take a risk and hopefully grow. I wanted to see whether the rent and the number of vehicles seem like a good combination. True, but I wanted to see whether I can have some input maybe learn something from the amount of experience on this forum
  7. 1 point
    Hi Faz Does 3 grand per month include business rates.You need to bare in mind that because you can now sell ex lease stuff there are no guarantees that you will be be able to replicate it from the proposed showroom.Every pitch is different and I have had 7.As it happens I have retailed ex lease stuff for a long time in the North East but when we took a nice pitch in London which was very cheap,we found we could not sell ex lease stuff.The punters there wanted very low mileage small automatics so if you go ahead with this showroom be prepared to change your business plan. Good Luck.
  8. 1 point
    +1. I can sell just about everything I can lay my hands on anyway, tbh it’s a bit embarrassing because whenever anyone comes around I’ve space for 25 but constantly only have 4-6 at any one time. It looks like I’m going bust. The law of supply & demand. When supply is low prices will always be up. Any buyers that don’t appreciate how a market works won’t buy, but there’ll be those that do. They’ll always sell for a few quid profit. However there are plenty of people, even shopping at the lower end of the market, who realise there’s a catch. In my experience many of these customers have a tale of a past ‘cheap’ purchase & don’t wish to repeat the experience .
  9. 1 point
    The main problem at the moment is buying but..... ....all of a sudden the cheapie buyers are cheaper than ever & I've had a few customers downgrading to my £3-4K stock due to redundancy.
  10. 1 point
    I was gonna suggest a hammer and a phone call
  11. 1 point
    It is held by two screws, these may be hidden under plastic covers, either yellow or black in colour, then you'll see the screws, turn them to the left with a suitable instrument, usually a "screw driver" will suffice, remember, lefty for Lucy, right for tighty