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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    You’d think that with COVID 19 and businesses not operating at full capacity the risk would be Lower for claims so it would be cheaper but alas it’s not tbh mate they were one of my options but wanted pictures of the inside of my premises by that time I already had something sorted with premier but kudos to them for still delivering big thanks to especially Declan and josh too
  2. 1 point
    Talk of reducing the social distance this coming week, so all who including me, have wasted money on making / buying 2 metre gaps signage But, here, it is staying, and customers will have to abide until it is zero distance, at just over 3 foot it is too near spitting distance! I think at one metre your just saying back to normal, I think a bad move, as it is this week I have had to remind people about the gap and the worst thing is reminding people to stop touching things! Nearly run out of anti viral spray already! But we do need to get driving instructors and examiners back somehow, I do a lot of business with daddies little twinkle, and it can be a quite easy sale. Test drives ? At 1 metre are you now willing to go out with them ? Or do you put them in the back.? No way will I be going in back by the way, I like to be near the wheel for customers that can't judge where the kerb is ! Been inferred this week l may be going over cautious, reminded them it is my business, run by me, my way, if you do not want to buy at a covid secure business, erm, go away
  3. 1 point
    Thank You John , It's greatley appreciated
  4. 1 point
    Glad to read your feedback, please always feel free to reach out if I can help with anything.
  5. 1 point
    According to Office for National Statistics about 0.06% of the UK population were infected with Covid19 on 12th June (its probably lower now). The risk of transmission at 1m from an infected person is 3%. At 2m it is 1.5%. So total overall probability of catching Covid from a random stranger is 1 in 55000 at 1m and 1 in 110000 at 2m. If you screen customers with a quick temperature check then the risk will drop further. So up to you to decide, and take your chances. I think good ventilation (air movement) is crucial to lowering the risk. So doors and windows open as much as possible. Personally I am more worried about being in busy supermarkets... its not like car showrooms get that crowded... ;-(
  6. 1 point
    Ultimately it’s your decision, you can operate a 5mtr zone if you wish. Tbh for some punters I’d like to introduce a 100 mile zone!
  7. 1 point
    Seems a few are getting crazy renewal quotes recently , while we've been struggling they've still had their coin , only be loyal if they're being loyal , I went over to Road Runner / Aston Lark can't fault their service so far hopefully I will feel the same next year , they went out their way to help out .
  8. 1 point
    Take £250 out of it tell them its for you time and that you would not normally do it but it because you know them well and they have recommended people to you and been good customers you will make an exception in this case .