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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I see,missing the swapper from the invoice and flogging it to a trader for cash out of the back door.I contend that any car dealer who only buys from franchised dealers these days and never uses auctions is probably using bungs or some illegal inducement to corrupt sales managers.You should have reminded them that if HMRC uncovered that there could be serious consequences for the company.As for accommodation deals or ‘ fronted deals’ as you call them,that is one for the FCA.With proof like that,if you had been playing your cards right,you should have been promoted or given a pay rise.I just wonder what may have been going on with PCP proposals regarding mileage estimates to reduce monthly instalments. Several years ago at a local auction a guy was witnessed using a code reader on Lookers entries prior to sale day.The auction subsequently denied any wrong doing by their vendor regarding the putting out of engine manage lights !
  2. 2 points
    top of the page click news this bulletin board lives by new threads being started and getting replies,I really dont know if you accusing me of sniping and negativity but I will add you always seem to want to disagree with whatever I say,this can be good or bad but shouldn't be taken as whoever's is right or wrong because everyone should have an opinion,I know I do finally can I ask how many new threads you have started to get members to post and is it not the case that members new or old leave most bulletin posts boards in life once the novelty wears off as natural wastage theres a private sector by the way if you feel strongly about something,its not a place that interests me I like things to be in the public domain
  3. 1 point
    Is that really as surprise? When I occasionally visit these places they always APPEAR to be over staffed & half of what they employ looks like deadwood to me. The staff merry-go-round twirls as fast as ever, these places are generally fuelled on bullshit & the whole new car industry is selling a product that about 90% of the populate can’t/won’t pay for. I may be incorrect but I also get the impression certain new cars only get a private bum on a seat if it’s via Motability. I’d of thought serious change is long overdue.
  4. 1 point
    of course, what a minefield we work in!
  5. 1 point
    Took our council 24 hrs to pay the money to us . 19 th March to now is a touch slow I would think .
  6. 1 point
    interesting reading, always thought Lookers were a decent set up, worrying times for all but think particularly people employed in the larger groups, a neighbour of mine is a business manger for a large well known group on a 6 figure salary, he's still furloughed along with half his team and some other big wages. The group is now considering making all these positions redundant, not because they're in trouble but the fact they found out they can still sell as many cars with half as many expensive sales people. it'll force many to make efficiencies that they should have done years ago. big winners here I think will be us smaller guys that don't have the big wage bills, or the expensive gin palaces
  7. 1 point
    99% sure no, local authorities worked out how much they would need and told the government, looking at the website some payments have gone out =http://www.spelthorne.gov.uk/article/19283/Business-Grants-payments in the meantime watch out for scam emails purporting to be the council asking for your bank details. the whole idea of these grants is to get them quick, the councils have been told this ! if you go here = https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-business-energy-and-industrial-strategy have a read through for handy information. i found out for you this = allocated to Spelthorne Borough Council Spelthorne Borough Council£15,132,000 paid out so far £12,975,000 to 981 of 1161 recognised hope that helps. i would phone them and tell them if you do not receive payment in the next 7 days you may go bust.............