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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 3 points
    This is a trade secret passed down over hundreds of years Please do not ask again as we would be breaking the code of the car dealers association to give you such information
  3. 2 points
    Hmm... Two big and seemingly unmanageable groups trading in 'penny share' territory. Yeah, that should be a great marriage..!
  4. 1 point
    You can You can stay shut till it's safe to open,when that is is anyones guess I'm still trying to work out the point of opening if once a customer sits in a car and twiddles his arse in it and doesn't buy it in needs sanitizing again and by whom and how much are you going to pay them going in with the full ppe and a feather duster There isn't an answer yet
  5. 1 point
    I don’t see what rules are being broken, we have a fully prepared workshop opened to service and repair any front line workers vehicles so far we have changed a battery hardly a money spinner but hey ho, now we have people wishing to view a car via a click and collect type system who is to say there not front line workers I didn’t. Two of the customers have already asked could we hold onto the cars should they like them until lockdown is over. And to be honest if anyone moans about it just have a look outside your local b&q or corner shop our local corner shop has now added outdoor bbq,a and compost outside his shop and is doing a great trade, hardly essential purchase yet nothing is said to them.
  6. 1 point
    As a customer. I think ALL dealerships WILL open on 11 May. The answer to it is very simple. ALL customers must wear facial covering of some sort and wear disposable or cloth gloves, because as you know, car buying is a very tactile business.Protective screens fitted to service desks and handwash should be made available. Social distancing rules should also apply and a limit of customers in the showroom at any time. You are not going to see miles of customers queuing outside like supermarkets so this should'nt be a problem. So, if these rules are applied I see no reason not to open on 11 May.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Wow I have been in both zones,the tiffany with the blade still gives me nightmares though Just found it online Very interesting story Thanks
  9. 1 point
    Another Lambo story to pass the time.This one from 20 years ago was widely publicised at the time and might still be online. As I recall,this London guy is in his 60’s,lives alone in a flat from where he runs a successful cigarette vending business called Fagomatic.He has a van and works day and night and never goes on holiday.Using the van however restricts him from doing more lucrative business with exclusive London clubs.Apparently doormen would not allow him to park his van directly outside as it ‘lowers the tone ‘ and he could not park it elswhere as it was too risky late at night. So to get round this problem he buys a new Diablo.This investment subsequently works and business flourishes because it looks good parked outside club entrances late at night and also impresses doormen and there is also less risk of having his cigarette stock stolen. However,after buying the Diablo he claimed back £25k VAT as he was only using it as a commercial vehicle.However the VAT people did not agree and wanted their money back and the case went before the Tax Commissioners.Also at stake was the non payment of company car tax which would be another £20k per year for a Diablo. Incredible as it sounds the Lambo guy won the case as he was able to prove that since buying it, his business had increased by 50%.He also proved that he mostly used his van and the Diablo was parked up in a secure public car park in the same spot during the day. However I understand that sometime later and unfortunately for Lambo man, the Vat people successfully appealed the Tax Commissioners ruling to the High Court . It reminds me of car dealers in the distant past who would have flash smokers to help impress main dealer sales managers to get offered first choice of all the best swappers.
  10. 1 point
    At ours and just applying common sense.
  11. 1 point
    Really I cant find where it says that I'm guessing if you follow the link they put up at the top it follows government guidelines on what you need to do if you must buy a car at this time Now let me think on my shopping list Buy sunday paper Get 4 points of milk Get a loaf of bread Tin of cat food Buy car Think that basically covers it Back in an hour dear
  12. 1 point
    I agree with Rory plenty of noise coming in now from advertising got three viewings firmed up for next week already, there are far to many people who talk themselves into misery these days. top tip I have discovered during this carnage is that reading constant negative news will make you negative and you won’t even know it has done it.
  13. 1 point
    Car a day for the last week demands returning for definite
  14. 1 point
    I don’t believe this story.I think that what has really happened is that Lookers has got a third party to float the story in the hope a white knight will rescue them.They are a household name with a lot of freehold property to sell off or maybe sell and lease back,and they are cheap.
  15. 1 point
    I know a full Yorkie Spec ( part of the Brighouse closed shop ) Top Car trader now retired.Some people might know what I mean.He tells a good story about a mate who a good while ago had to have a effing Lamboeffinghini ( his words ).He warned him to no avail but the guy pays £150 grand for one from that well known trader in the Blackpool area ( who I have forgotten )..He gets told on handover,don’t forget if you want to blow 10 grand just give me a call and I will have it back.The guy has it a few weeks and he hates it and everyone is laughing at him and taking the piss.So he rings the trader up for a chat and the trader asks after the car and the guy says ‘I love it,it’s brilliant.’The trader then says don’t forget if you want to blow 10 grand,bring it back and I will put the money in your bank.The guy says,’ I will be around in 40 minutes’.
  16. 1 point
    Surely the competition commission would probably have some objections to this.
  17. 1 point
    A couple of months ago a lot of folks were posting on here about Covid being 'no worse than flu'. I did post at the time that it was going to be very serious and 'failing to plan is planning to fail'. We stopped buying anything from late January and ran stock down as quickly as possible, with quite a lot going to auction (at decent prices too). So at lockdown we had about 11 cars (about 25% of normal stock). Two of those are provisionally sold to personal contacts. We are not selling, but open for service and MoT - reasonably busy. In terms of 'holding nerve' on prices, that's just not the way the used car market works. We are just one fish swimming in a big shoal. CAP values at the moment are meaningless - there are insufficient transactions to give reliable data. I think a lot of people are not fully grasping the scale of the economic storm we are facing. The motor industry is going to be one of the worst sectors affected. Probably 50% of all motor trade jobs will go - 2M jobs.. https://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/2020/04/18/new-analysis-of-the-impact-of-lockdown-on-uk-jobs We seem to be heading for a No Deal Brexit at the end of the year which will likely result in a further devaluation of the pound. So imported cars and parts (and everything else) will get more expensive and inflation will take off. Unemployment will be much higher, taxes will be higher. It will be a 1930's style recession. The plan for the next 12 months is just to survive.
  18. 1 point
    McLarens have just never enjoyed the strong residual of Ferrari or Porsche Models. Lamborghini hold fairly strong but a little behind the other 2. McLaren are a long way behind. Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini will always buy a car back off you. You will take a hit but they will buy it to keep the market high. Having that amount in a car I’d be looking for that get out and liquidity and reassurance. McLaren don’t even want their own cars back.
  19. 1 point
    Haha, why don’t look at the top of the page & take out your frustrations on one of the various pop-ups offering you sexual services? So far today we’re being offered a date with ‘Sania aged 28’, the ‘15 million Asian women’ looking for contact along with the offer of ‘Get your Cherokee serviced’ (I’m not sure if that last one is slang talk for sort of gratification).