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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Jamie Baguette asked me to re-write this web-bit, that was deleted as collateral damage the other day: === Here are some marketing ideas... (I have no idea about cars, but I'm OK at marketing, it's fun) Hmm, I don't spend a penny on marketing or adverts, apart from the odd £25 on a FB post that goes viral. £zilch. I rely on referrals to my website and word of mouth. I don't buy any Google adwords or take part on any websites like Autotrader or What car or Contracthireandleasing. They are all like vampires, sucking cash. You can get hooked on them like heroin. So, I was getting a bit panicky last week, as it seemed impossible to break through the wall of news on Covid19. The top 10 BBC items were all Covid. My Web traffic was dropping. No one was listening to posts about Citroen C3s and BMW Gran Coupes. WAH! In a bid to stir up some web traffic and car orders, I thought: ...let's use the bloody virus, then. So I wrote my 80% furlough letter to staff in a slightly bonkers way. (it's below) It started on the Sunderland footy forum where it seems every fan will have a car from me. that went to 9 pages. Link is here: https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/lings-cars-letter-to-staff.1512081/ One of the Mackems sent it to the Sun. ... then BOOM. So far, it's got Daily Mirror, The Sun, Newcastle Chronicle and some foreign newspapers too. To buy this much advertising would cost £thousands. Loads of positive comments and shares on the UK newspaper sites, hundreds. Loads of backlinks. It went mental on Twitter too when the newspapers went live, so many kind comments. My web traffic went through the roof and loads of proposals on Monday, the first finance acceptance (BMW finance still working) and order (for a MIni) today. more to come I hope. loads in the pot, it's getting the fin cos to process them that's hard. Dealer fleet people mainly doing these from home. GDPR is out of the window. All this stuff is great Google juice, the newspaper links are worth a fortune in SEO. Then, due to the American Spanish paper (biggest Spanish paper in the US), I got an invite to join in a Uni course in Florida State University, which is great for weblinks/google juice. If only I were as nice to my staff as people think I am... all i was doing was giving my (few) staff a tickle in the dark days; here are some pics of the stuff (below) boyz, for those of you who struggle to read I'm not trying to get "well done"s, just suggesting marketing opportunities still exist, even now. - Ling My staff furlough letter (above) Sunderland Footy forum (and me proving to the Mackems it we REALLY me) The Sun The Mirror The Chronicle A local internet paper La Opinion, LA Spanish newspaper (biggest in USA) Some Greet shit paper My Uni course booking
  2. 1 point
    If I read this right they have still not paid the fines imposed because they hid behind the limited liability The trading standards team should have gone for custodial sentences in my opinion https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/two-used-car-dealers-banned-trading-14-years/189473
  3. 1 point
    We have had a few regular older punters turn up to buy with their new catelogue bride in tow and it is hard to keep a straight face.You want to say to them ‘ what make is she ‘.
  4. 1 point
    Well I suppose the one I have to say was years ago when I first started trading and it was more of a part time hobby, I bought a an ultra blue Corsa C SXI, was a nice low mileage thing had only done 50k Miles, it got delivered off the transporter and then a couple of minutes later a guy comes in asking if it’s for sale as he was looking for a car for his daughter. He wanted a deal and was happy to take it as was so done literally nothing to it and his daughter came in to collect the car. And had it not been for covid 19 I would be getting married next month and the man would be my father in law
  5. 1 point
    grab what you can, while you can
  6. 1 point
    You cant kid a kidder james as my friend used to say if i won the lottery id need a glass returnable juice bottle to have as much money as you An ad page might actually be a good idea like people we have used in the past who could recommend others could use in the future . On a serious note take care and stay safe . And do what you have to do to keep the forum and magazine flowing
  7. 1 point
    Here's today's show with Will Blackshaw if you missed it
  8. 1 point
    Try having a skim on the FB for sale sections to see how creative some businesses have become in trying to continue trading. And at the same time trying to make us feel grateful that they are doing it! Like local community heroes risking it all to carry on cutting hair and cutting grass! Mind you the supermarkets are playing games too. They are graciously allowing us to queue for an hour to buy limited, specially selected and overpriced stock. Like heroes!
  9. 1 point
    Like PCPs, it’s the hidden costs you need to be aware of, and the final walk away costs can be astronomical.
  10. 1 point
    I agree in my opinion theres loads of shops shouldn't be open that sell non essential items but sell a tin a soup so get on the essential list .
  11. 1 point
    New business idea you can start from home Get down sainsbobs in the morning Go to the bacofoil cooking section buy 10 rolls Sell them as pre made hats on ebay
  12. 1 point
    Major can of worms this seems to be up and down the country with seven commercial properties we have stepped in to help four the other three are doing better than normal so they can cough up.